Posted on 07/19/2012 5:28:21 PM PDT by Seizethecarp
It now appears the worst fears of the U.S. Constitutions framers were well founded as investigators working on behalf of the ongoing investigation into the Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama have found yet another lead in a growing mountain of evidence within the public records section of the British National Archives indicating the occurrence of at least four vital events registered to the name of Barack Obama, taking place in the British Protectorate of East Africa (Kenya) between 1953 and 1963, including the birth of two sons before 1963.
The record of birth of a second son prior to Kenyan independence is significant because biographical information about Obamas family indicates Obama Sr. fathered only one other son prior to Obama IIs birth.
The books containing hand written line records of vital events attributed to Obama are contained in Series RG36 of the Family Records section in the Kew branch of the BNA. The hand written line records first discovered in 2009, indicate several events were registered to the name Barack Obama (appears to be handwritten and spelled Burack and Biraq) beginning in 1953 and include two births recorded in 1958 and 1960, a marriage license registration in 1954 and a birth in 1961. Barack Obama is said to have died in 1982 and had married at least once more in Kenya and had at least one more child in 1968, but no record of these were found in the BNA because, according to the Archives desk reference, the events occurred after Kenya achieved independence from British colonial rule in 1963.
To date, Barack Obama II is the only known alleged son of Obama Sr. born after 1960 and before the independence of Kenya became official in 1963.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Proof was the wrong word, sorry. Please don’t take offense, I’m just trying to make sense of all this (as I suspect, you are) and trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.
naaahhh...he wants me to go away because I’m not sticking to the narrow confines of The Daily Pen article that tells us nothing. I’ve read it twice and need to read it again, I can’t find anything more than there might be some kind of index that shows the names Baraq Obama and Biraq Obama as a father sometime between 1960 and 1963, which suggests a four-year index just like they keep for public view in Hawaii.
I would need to believe there was only one Mr Obama who had children in Kenya during that period, going by what they write. There must have been a whole lot more...
And the rest they tie in with the Bomford birth certificate for David Jeffrey who was born in South Australia in 1959, which was downloaded from the Bomford genealogy website and tampered with.
As I said, I need to read it again. There are crumbs there but I can’t find the loaf.
It’s got nothing to do with belief, the model isn’t Stanley Ann Dunham.
It’s all about the pants because some can’t focus on more than one item at a time...I made a comment way back listing at least a dozen off the top of my one took a lot of notice either. It’s just easier to snipe about a pocket. Frustrating, ain’t it?
And btw, there’s another character who appears to have been used to create the lolo she was supposed to have been married to, the one who looks nothing like the man on the horse and the passport scans. But I’m keeping that out of the discussion until what I have been able to show, penetrates. The images posted weren’t meant to create nit-picking about pockets and whether or not she’s wearing a dressing gown. The problem appears to be more like WHO WAS LOLO SOETORO...and if zero was her son and Lolo (whichever one) was his stepfather, and they all lived in Hawaii in 1973, as that tax return indicates, why didn’t they claim the boy as a dependant, and why are we (on other threads) discussing that SAD LOST CUSTODY?
If she was his mother and he had a rinky-dinky real stepfather, and real live grandparents who could have testified as to WHO HE WAS...why are we discussing the annulment of an adoption we have no record of? The kenyan comes all the way from Kenya to contest an adoption we have assumed took place, and then he hops on an airplane and goes home again?
Heres an interesting review I am reading at Amazon - maybe some of the more knowledgeable here can comment.
A book filled with shoddy research?, July 9, 2012
Dakkumen (USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Barack Obama: The Story (Hardcover)
David Maranisss book Barack Obama: The Story begins in the Introduction by stating that Dreams from My Father should fall into the realm of literature and memoir, not history and autobiography, and should not be read as rigorously factual account.
If Dreams from My Father cant be read as a rigorous factual account, then how should it be read? As a fiction book? If Dreams should be read as fiction, then why does Maraniss freely reference Dreams and other Obama biographical books - all of which are based on Dreams as a non-fiction book - such as The Bridge by David Remnick, A Singular Woman by Janny Scott, The Other Barack by Sally Jacobs and Obamaland by Ron Jacobs?
It quickly became clear, however, that Maranisss Barack Obama: The Story also falls into this same realm - a fiction book passed off as non-fiction. A couple of other books which would then fall into this same realm are Fugitive Days by Bill Ayers and Death of Innocence by John and Patsy Ramsey.
Here are just a few of the many unanswered questions from Maranisss book:
1. a) Dreams states Ann Dunham was born at the ARMY BASE where Gramps [Stan Dunham] is stationed. b) Remnick states in his book The Bridge that Ann Dunham was born @ Fort Leavenworth. c) Maraniss states in his book that Ann Dunham was born @ St Francis Hospital in Wichita.
Who then is guilty of shoddy research: Barack Obama & David Remnick or David Maraniss?
2. Maraniss calculates that in Ann Dunhams first semester of college she appeared to ace to two classes for eight credits and dropped (failed) three classes for a total grade point average of 1.35:
((4x4) + (4x4) + (Xx0 + Yx0 + Zx0))/((4 + 4) + (X + Y + Z)) = 1.35
Hence, (X + Y + Z)) = 15.7.
How could the total credits of Anns three dropped classes equal 15.7?
The only possibility is if one of Anns classes was a five credit course for which she received a B grade and the other class was a three credit class for which she received an A. Anns other three dropped classes would then have to total 12 credits, with a total sum of all the classes equaling 20 credits:
((5x3) + (3x4) + (12x0))/ (5 + 3 + 12) = 1.35
However, Anns partial transcript specifically says the classes were four credits each. Therefore something is seriously amiss in Ann Dunhams 1960 college transcript which Maraniss failed to calculate.
Was this the type of calculation Maraniss used when he said he calculated (pg 158) that Ann & Obama Sr were having sex in Obama Sr.s apartment in the fall of 1960?
3. Maraniss states in his book that Obama Sr. wrote his father in Kenya in 1960 about his upcoming marriage to Ann Dunham and that this letter was likely sent by SPECIAL TRAIN, the Mail Express which ran on Tuesdays and Tursdays, to five designated towns east and west Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, and Kitale.
Is this the same type of special train that Barack & Auma Obama were on when they visited their Grandma in Kenya which somehow left Nairobi traveling to the west and passed through the slum MATHARE:
At five-thirty in the evening, our train rumbled out of the old Nairobi train station heading west for Kisumu... My imagination failed me, and I returned to the present landscape, no longer bush but the rooftops of MATHARE stretching into the foothills beyond. Passing one of the slums open-air markets, I saw a row of small boys wave to the train. (Dreams from My Father Ch 18)
Any train leaving Nairobi to the west passes through the slum of Kibera and NOT the slum Mathare. Mathare is on the east side of Nairobi and has NO trains passing through it.
4. a) Ron Jacobs states in Obamaland that Ann Dunham & Obama Sr. were married in late 1960. b) Peter Firstbrook states in his book The Obamas that Ann Dunham & Obama Sr. were married on Feb 2, 1961 and that Stanley & Madelyn Dunham were present at the wedding. c) Maraniss states and in his book in his 2008 article titled Though Obama Had to Leave that Ann Dunham & Obama Sr. were married on Feb 2, 1961 with NO ONE present at the wedding.
Who then is guilty of shoddy research: Ron Jacobs, Peter Firstbrook or David Maraniss?
5. a) Dreams states that: At the time of his death, my father remained a myth to me, both more and less than a man. He had left Hawaii back in 1963, when I was only two years old,. b) Auma Obama states in her book And Then Life Happens that: Little Barack was two when Barack Sr, left Hawaii. c) Maraniss states in his book that Obama Sr left Hawaii in 1962.
Who is guilty of shoddy research: Barack Obama & Auma Obama or David Maraniss?
6. Maraniss states in his 2008 article that, in 1961, Ann Dunham was on her way to Boston with baby Barry:
Susan Botkin, Maxine Box and John W. Hunt all remember Ann showing up in Seattle late that summer [in 1961] with little Barry, as her son was called. She was on her way from her mothers house to Boston to be with her husband, Botkin recalled. [She said] he had transferred to grad school and she was going to join him. And I was intrigued with who she was and what she was doing. Stanley was an intense person . . . but I remember that afternoon, sitting in my mothers living room, drinking ICED TEA and eating SUGAR COOKIES. She had her BABY and was talking about her husband, and what life held in store for her. She seemed so confident and self-assured and relaxed. She was leaving the next day to fly on to BOSTON.
Maraniss then implies (by omission) in his book that, in 1961, Ann Dunham was NOT on her way to Boston with baby Barry :
Barry was not yet a month old when they left Honolulu in late August 1961. ...And she made her way over to Susan Botkins mother house with the baby and spent an afternoon there. ...But there they sat in the living room, drinking ICED TEA and eating SUGAR COOKIES as Ann cradled baby Barry. ...Did Obama make his way up to see Ann and little Barry, who were still in Seattle and would not return to Honolulu until later that year? That is not known. Susan Botkin had a memory of Ann talking about following her husband to Harvard, something she may have known about in spring 1962, ...
Why does Susan Botkins amazingly clear recollection change without explanation (except for the iced tea & sugar cookies) between Maranisss 2008 article and his 2012 book?
7. a) Janny Scott states in her book A Singular Woman that Ann Dunham & Lolo Soetoro were married on March 5, 1964. b) Maraniss states in his book that Ann Dunham & Lolo Soetoro were married on March 15, 1965.
Who is guilty of shoddy research: Janny Scott or David Maraniss?
8. a) Maraniss states in his 2008 article that Ann Dunham majored in math: By the time he was 6, Barry Obama was a hyper-aware boy with much to think about. His mother had returned to school at the University of Hawaii and had received a degree in what her family considered an unlikely major MATH.
b) Maraniss states in his book that Ann Dunham received her majored in anthropology.
Who is guilty of shoddy research: David Maraniss in 2008 or David Maraniss in 2012?
9. a) Dreams claims Obama took a cross-country trip with his mother, Tut and Maya in 1972 and that during this trip he watched the Watergate hearings every night before going to bed. (Note: The Watergate Hearings took place in 1973). b) Ron Jacobs claims in his book that the cross-country trip took place in 1972. c) Maraniss claims in his book that the cross-country trip took place during the summer of 1973.
Is Barack Obama guilty of a Maraniss calculation and/or who is guilty of shoddy research: Ron Jacobs or Maraniss?
10. Maraniss states in his book that: Early in the summer of 1982, before Obamas senior year at Columbia, his mother and sister, Maya, came to New York from Indonesia. Ann was only thirty-nine, Maya TWELVE.
Since Maya was born on August 15, 1970, is this another example of a Maraniss calculation?
11. a) Dreams claims Auma Obama called him 1983 in New York telling him that their brother David Ndesdanjo has died:
In 1983, I decided to become a community organizer. ...Then one day, as I sat down at my computer to write an article on interest-rate swaps, something unexpected happened. Auma called. I had never met this half sister; we had written only intermittently. ... But two days before she was scheduled to arrive, Auma called again, the voice thicker now, barely a whisper. I cant come after all, she said. One of our brothers, DAVID...hes been killed. In a motorcycle accident. I dont know any more than that. She began to cry. Oh, Barack. Why do these things happen to us?
b) Maraniss claims in his book that Auma Obama called Barack Obama in New York sometime in the fall of 1984 saying that their brother David Ndesandjo has died.
c) Auma Obama says in her book that she wrote letters to Barack (no call is mentioned) and visited Barack in Chicago in August 1984.
d) Dreams has Barack Obama arriving in Chicago in July 1986.
e) David Remnick claims in his book that Barack Obama arrived in Chicago in June 1985.
f) Maraniss claims in his book that Barack Obama arrived in Chicago in July 1985.
g) Dreams has Auma Obama visiting Obama in Chicago in either 1986 or 1987 via plane.
h) Maraniss claims in his book that Auma Obama visited Obama in Chicago in 1986 via train.
i) David Ndesandjo died in 1987. Huh?
Who is guilty of horribly shoddy research: Barack Obama, Auma Obama, David Remnick or David Maraniss?
12. a) Dreams states Obama visited his married brother Roy in Washington sometime in the spring of 1987:
that something different was going on with the children of the South Side that spring of 1987; that an invisible line had been crossed, a blind and ugly corner turned. ... The next morning, I flew down to Washington, D.C., where my brother Roy now lived. We had first spoken to each other during Aumas visit to Chicago; she had told me then that Roy had married an American Peace Corps worker and had moved to the States.
b) Maraniss claims in his book that Obama visited his brother Roy in December of 1985. c) Auma Obama claims in her book that Michelle and Barack Obama & Ann Dunham attended Roys wedding in Maryland in 1990.
Who is guilty of shoddy research: Barack Obama, Auma Obama, or David Maraniss?
13. a) Dreams implies that Barack Obama took his mythical first trip to Kenya in 1988. b) Maraniss implies in his book that Barack Obama took his mythical first trip to Kenya in 1988. c) Barack Obama states in an August 28, 2006 speech in Nairobi, Kenya that he first visited Kenya in 1987:
The first time I came to Kenya was in 1987. I had just finished three years of work as a community organizer in low-income neighborhoods of Chicago, and was about to enroll in law school. My sister, Auma, was teaching that year at this university, and so I came to stay with her for a month. (NOTE: Obamas statement also implies that Obama was working in Chicago in 1984.)
d) David Remnick claims in his book that Obamas mythical first trip to Kenya took place both in 1987 (photos) and also in 1988.
Did Obamas first trip to Kenya take place in 1987 or 1988? Who is guilty of shoddy research: Barack Obama, David Remnick or David Maraniss?
14. a) Dreams claims that Auma took her Volkswagen Beetle to a mechanic during his first trip to Kenya (in 1987 or 1988?). b) Maraniss claims in his book that Aumas Volkswagen Beetle broke down during the first Kenya trip and that Auma and Barack had to push it to the curb until some young men came to fix it. c) Auma Obama claims in her book that her Volkswagen Beetle broke down when Barack and Michelle visited Kenya in 1990: One day [in 1990], when we were driving along the three-lane Uhuru Highway, Barack next to me, Michelle in the backseat, I suddenly found myself forced to stop abruptly and get us all out of the Beetle. ...Get out! Its on fire! I shouted. d) Dreams claims Michelle and Barack went to Kenya in 1992 after their engagement.
Did Auma Obamas Volkswagen Beetle break down (or was only taken to a mechanic) in 1987, 1988, 1990 or 1992? Who is guilty of horribly shoddy research: Barack Obama, Auma Obama or David Maraniss?
15. a) Dreams claims Obama that he first met Mark Ndesandjo on his first trip to Kenya (in 1987 or 1988?). b) Maraniss claims in his book that Mark Ndesandjo was in Ruths house during Obamas first Kenya trip (in 1987 or 1988?) with Ruth recalling: I have a sitting room. I was sitting on the couch. My husband was in his chair. I thought Mark was in the other chair. c) Obama states in an CNN in 2009 that he first met Mark in 2007: I met him [Mark] for the first time a couple of years ago.
Did Barack Obama first meet Mark Ndesandjo in 1987, 1988, or 2007? Who then is guilty of shoddy research: Barack Obama or David Maraniss?
16. a) Maraniss claims in his book that a poem titled Pop is about a nickname for Frank Marshall Daviss and, at the same time, about Stanley Dunham:
But the essence of the work [Pop poem] points in another direction, toward Frank Marshall Davis, the old black poet of Honolulu. ..Pop, or Pops, was a nickname ... Stan or Frank, Stan and Frank - the same in the end.
b) David Remnick claims in The Bridge that the Pop poem is about Stanley Dunham.
c) Jack Cashill wrote back in early 2010 that the Pop poem was about Frank Marshall Davis: What I Learned from Obamas Pop (AmericanThinker - March 7, 2010)
Who or what is the Pop poem about? Answer can be found in Jack Cashills book Deconstructing Obama.
Maybe in Maranisss Barack Obama: The Story - Part 2, well learn the answer to another question which no one - including Obama biographers Ron Jacobs, David Remnick & Janny Scott - has yet been able to correctly answer: When were Barack & Michelle Obama married?
Out of the possible dates - late summer 1992, October 1992, October 3, 1992, October 10, 1992, early October 1992, and October 18, 1992 - listed for Barack & Michelles wedding, which one is David Maraniss going to pick out of a hat?
4 posted on Monday, 30 July 2012 5:30:41 PM by F15Eagle
In 1983, I decided to become a community organizer. ...Then one day, as I sat down at my computer to write an article on interest-rate swaps
One of the only practical PC back in 83 was an IBM 5150 at a cost of up to $3,000.00 and did not come with word processing software!
So I take it that someone shown as Burack and Birak Obama (who might have been Barack Obama) first shows up on a handwritten index that begins in 1953 with a marriage licence registration in 1954, which seems to be the same year Barack Obama left school - a birth in 1958 and 1960 and a birth in 1961 and that's it.
The remainder of the article appears to be padding, why Bomford was mentioned isn't clear. It's possible the kenyan, having become a father in Hawaii in 1961, mother Anna Obama, wanted his child to have a Kenyan birth certificate/Kenyan nationality as they planned to take his child back to his home country. Which he did, but Ann/Anna seems to be missing, instead he's shown with the child and with Ruth and her son, Mark, in an image in which the boy born in 1961 appears to be four or five years old.
I'm stumped. Same boy, but he looks younger and fatter while the little girl gets older...can't say we weren't warned, right from the beginning, nothing is as it seems. If he was inserted into that image on the couch, which it seems he was, then there's no way to know when that photograph was taken.
He probably found what Soebarkah found, and the both don’t like that at all!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A celebrity journalist made a shocking claim recently that the governor of Hawaii said there is no Obama birth certificate - but now says he was misunderstood.
Radio personality Mike Evans told KQRS-FM in Minnesota on Jan. 20 that Gov. Neil Abercrombie, recently sworn in as the “The Islands of Aloha”’s top executive, admitted that no record existed of President Obama having been born in that state.
Claiming that he and Abercrombie had been friends for “decades,” Evans stated, “Neil promised me that when he became governor he was going to cut through all the red tape. He was gonna get Obama’s birth certificate, once and for all and end this stupid controversy.”
The chubby boy with the older Maya has a different hairline than the more slender boy with the younger baby Maya.
I know people have commented on the odd timeline/s of when Zero was in HI (photo of Scott Inouye?), and some differences in appearance. It’s odd that someone who was slender his whole life past toddler-hood got quite fat for (a couple of years??) in mid childhood, and immediately slimmed down again. In the time frame in question, fat kids were not common and it’s very odd for a slim kid to get fat all of a sudden in mid childhood and immediately slim down again. Odd.
There’s no question about it, you ran to the big Kahuna in an attempt to get thrown Fred Nerks off your thread!!!
You seem pretty darn well of doing the exact same thing, and what's your point???
Somebody said why ary you looking for splint in his/her eyes, etc....!!!
You are a pretty lousy weasel when you have to run to the big Kahunas for help, shame on you!!!
NO, you need to concentrate on FMD’s lips, especially the upper, and it looks he has not had a nose job done yet!!!
He knew he was going to take that child born in January to Kenya with him, he left the name behind when he departed in August 1964, but he needed for that dark boy to be shown to be his when he took it out of the country. I'm not half as smart as Frank Marshall Davis and his Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born, but somehow FMD must have managed to get a birth announcement into the newspaper record, and arranged an entry for the 'birthdate' of zero into the index of births in place of where Virginia Sunahara should have been. Did they cook this up in August 1961 or in 1963 when SAD first showed up in Hawaii? Did she know her name was on a marriage index?
Did she know she was Ann S Obama and Anna Obama? Hard to imagine that she did, the daughter of the Pratt family sharing the house with the Dunhams didn't remember a daughter or a looks like FMD took care of the paperwork while she wasn't even in Hawaii. She was being an au pair in Chicago when she was 16, we are told in 'Dreams', when she saw Black Orpheus, a film that wasn't released until 21 December 1959 (USA)...
If a fake b.c. was created that long ago, why did “they” have to photoshop a fake b.c. very recently?
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