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To: Cringing Negativism Network
Stop sending jobs overseas, and bring back the USA.

I've seen you post that meaningless nonsense many times here. It's like a weird mantra or something. Who, exactly, is "sending jobs overseas"? What jobs, exactly? And how do you propose stopping this alleged practice? Some new, big government edict or crackdown on businesses?

If what you are trying to say is that taxes need to be reduced, bureaucracies and burdensome regulations (EPA, for example) need to be eliminated, and the thug unions who have priced themselves out of the market need to be reigned in, then okay - - just say that, (shrug) although I can't imagine you would get any argument here. In fact, it's a "Captain Obvious" thing. That's why the phrase, "Stop sending jobs overseas", is such a boring eye-roller.)

Anyway, there's some friendly, unsolicited advice. Take it or leave it.


83 posted on 07/17/2012 10:49:36 PM PDT by Lancey Howard
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To: Lancey Howard

Erect tariffs to stop the bleeding NOW. Every manufacturing plant in the USA is part of our National Defense infrastructure. Every manufacturing facility that closes is a national tragedy. Killing a patient cures the cancer. That is what Free Trade is doing to the USA.

98 posted on 07/18/2012 7:04:32 AM PDT by central_va ( I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.)
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To: Lancey Howard; All
"If what you are trying to say is that taxes need to be reduced, bureaucracies and burdensome regulations (EPA, for example) need to be eliminated, and the thug unions who have priced themselves out of the market need to be reigned in, then okay"

Yes that NEEDS to be done. Also the government needs to be reduced at all levels.

But there is also another huge problem. It is the dollar, the us currency. The U.S. has to get a new currency NOW. and it has to make the exchange rates to other countries like china something that is more natural. Since you can pay people in China 50 cents an hour to work in a factory : that is not natural. And china has 300 million middle class people now which they (china) never had 20 years ago. So China people are not really living on $2 a day . It is the exchange rate when you change dollars for the Chinese currency that is the problem. So even if you eliminate the EPA which has to be done by the way: even if you do this then eventually all our factories will move to China because who would pay workers in the U.S.A $20 an hour when they can pay China creeps 50 cents an hour. And China exploits this and so they keep the currency at this exchange rate.

The the result is China has gleaming new factories as in the factory that makes ipads which has 200,000 workers and is the size of a U.S. city while we have only mcdonalds left. We cannot survive if everything that we use, touch or see is made in other countries. WE have to change U.S. currency and not trade with any country were they manipulate their currency as in China.

99 posted on 07/18/2012 7:11:46 AM PDT by rurgan (Sunset all laws at 4 years.China is destroying U.S. ability to manufacture,makes everything)
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