We are actually on the same page, but looking at it differently. I don’t like either that O’Blamo (as Rush now calls him) is sitting in the White House. However neither the SCOTUS or the congress has done anything to remove him from his perch.
Last time I heard those 2 bodies have more power than any of us at FR. In this case unfortunately they have established a definite precedence that Hawaiian (?) born O’Blamo is NBC enough.
As for who is best candidate for VP, I follow Ronaldus Magnus’s advice...vote for the most conservative who is ELECTABLE.
The only “precedent” that has been set it that no one in the universe has any standing, and also that the SCOTUS is “evading” the issue.
And no one who is conservative is running. Maybe that will change. If Romenypuke really is the candidate, a poorer and less conservative candidate could not be found.