No - Allen West retired from the US Army at the rank of Lt. Colonel. Same as my dear old dad.
That said, he's got the requisite character for the job, if not the executive seasoning I'd prefer.
Thanks! I stand corrected.
Lt. Col. (Ret.) West would make an EXCELLENT Commander In Chief at this time when the Marxist, Socialist, Progressive and Liberal forces are unifying to skuttle our US Military to a greater degree than was done to it following WW1.
Thus, as in the 1920’s and early 1930’s, the USA will be understrength militarily, headed into a very deep depression, while hate-driven dictators seize power in a number of foreign countries. The major difference between then and now is that “both” of our sorry political parties still believe in FDR’s 80 year old Keysenian Economic philosophy.
Both Obama and Obamalite (=Romney) believe in “investing” our tax dollars so they can spend their way into our prosperity.
It is time to reject the Keysenian philosophy as a failed economic experiment.
Only a Military man has the backbone to do it.
It is time, for the good of this Nation, for the RNC to DUMP Romney, so that we, the tax-burdened voters can have an OPEN Convention in Tampa!