"If it is going to be realized that in the last week of October that Romney will probably lose to Obama a week later by at least 5 %, will you not regret that you did not do your best to replace Romney at an OPEN Convention?"
Post your ideas for or against Romney becoming the Republican Nominee here. ( Jim's truce applies on this thread, IF your manners are spotless, IMHO, and of course, Jim's Opinion).
What say all of you?
The RNC is not going to “Dump Romney”, any more than they would have McCain.
Romney’s numbers are improving weekly, as well.
These strange fantasies are not helpful. In fact, they have the whiff of trolling.
Get over it. Romney is not going to be dumped.
Go on home now...
Is this satire... Or are you serious with this analysis?
You've got to be kidding me. West would have absolutely no chance whatsoever, for the nomination, much less for the election. Let's deal in reality.
This sh*t is just stupid, pointless and destructive. Put te crack pipe away. Romney is the last man standing. He will be the GOP nominee and he is therefore, our ONLY chance to defeat obama.
Nominee Allen West would nullify Obama’s race card, attack Obama”care” without the baggage that Romney brings with Romney”care,” be an unquestioned Conservative, be cleaner than a hound’s tooth, be smarter than all known economists, solidly receive the pro-Military vote, and be the automatic favorite son of the key State of Florida.
Whats not to like ???
His friend Herman Cain would get behind him in a heaert beat...
Herman cain has never yet endorsed Willard...
Herman made himself clear last week when he said on Neal Bpprtz he was for “unity” of the Republican Party...
What Romney needs to do is to continue to run on a conservative platform and to pick a VP who will be satisfactory to social conservatives and not hurt the ticket politically in the swing states. Obama will do the rest.
sorry Neal
If you're interested, sign on to Sarah's FaceBook page at https://www.facebook.com/#!/sarahpalin
I will likely be voting for Goode.
#1: Vote Obama Out, Out, Out
#2: Vote conservative candidates into the US House and US Senate
#3: Then, if Romney tacks hard left, impeach him (he’s a white Republican; he can be impeached).
Romney is already doing what he needs to do. He has promised yet again to repeal Obamacare, and has promised again to stop any form of cap-and-trade which would be the ultimate take-over of the economy.
He’ll probably pick someone to be VP that will shake up the picture and steal the excitement from the Obamists. It may not be someone we like, though I hope it is. I would like it to be someone like Allen West but it will probably be someone like Colin Powell. Not my favorite since he endorsed Obama himself in the last election, but politically it could steal a lot of O’s thunder if a former supporter is running against him (and thereby endorsing Romney by his presence on the ticket).
We aren’t going to get a conservative this time out, but if R will at least do what he said he would do, we can continue the fight on those issues where he is weak or on the wrong side.
All he has to do to guarantee it is win about 38% of the remaining delegates. Considering most of the soft delegates are GOP-E and their souls belong to him already, he has probably already clinched.
Romney is the nominee. Get over it. He will easily have all the delegates he needs. It won’t even be close. Time to leave fantasyland and accept reality. Mitt probably has a 40% chance to defeat Hussein in November. Obama is still the favorite right now, but not by a lot.
The only way to stop Romney is to stop him from spending money. Money is what got him there and money will keep him there.
Since money is ‘free $peech’, you can kiss any future conservative nomination goodbye.
That said, it would be great to have a conservative, moral choice, but the time has passed. Unless changes His mind and starts rigging the elections process, Romney is the other choice.
Frankly, I’m bored with your posts.
Romney is the GOP nominee, -I’m not a fan of either him OR the GOP but I’m voting for him & pulling the lever without a whiff of regret other than the fact that trash like Hussein is in the oval office in the 1st place
“What will Romney have to do to keep from being DUMPED in Tampa?”
He needs a brain transplant from a smart person.