Hmm, interesting about the marble. We had a bunch of marble but sold it at a garage sale, we’ve regretted it ever since. Does granite work or does it have to be marble? There may be some pieces of either around, and does the piece have to be just one big piece or could it be a few pieces?
I do have kitchen scales that I use for herbs. I suppose I could use them fro bread but since the recipes I have are volume, I’d have to get new recipes.
I calibrate mine with a stick of butter but silver coins might be more accurate.
All my recipes are weight, never volume.
My 'daily bread' that I kneel and give thanks for is 750 grams of flour, 22 grams of yeast, 16 grams of salt, and water as required by local weather conditions. Sometimes, I'll throw in 18 grams of mix oil.
I should mention that any stone you are going to introduce to the oven should be baked at about 550F before you put food in with it.
A) that puts paid to any critters and b) sometimes, heated stones explode.