Posted on 03/07/2012 6:40:54 PM PST by seeking enlightenment
With Romney squeaking out Ohio and a few other races before I have to question his electability. Ron Paul's supporters are going to support Paul no matter what but Santorum and Gingrich are splitting the vote. If Gingrich wasn't in the race then Romney loses the close races, there is not going to be anyone to split the the vote with Obama. Romney is also spending up to six times the money of the other candidates. Obama is talking about raising 1 billion dollars so Romney will probably be on the other side of the money battle and will his leads evaporate or will he be able to close the gap in the close races when he can't outspend Obama? I know that many people will vote for anyone but Obama but Romney doesn't seem to be able to inspire most of the Republicans and conservatives to vote for him so will he be able to pull in the undecided independents when the media turns the spotlight on him, he has yet to take a serious beating by the media yet and can he take it? If the race was a two man race and Santorum or possibly Gingrich had half his money I don't think he'd get the Republican nomination. So if Romney becomes the nominee and he no longer has his advantages and the pro Obama media comes into play, can he win?
As I said, you want to do it, thats fine, and dandy, but you can’t do it by top down, its not going to work, you have to do it from bottom up and conceding the white house for 20-40 years while you devide the vote isn’t going to get you anywhere.
Want to talk about congressional candidates and 3rd parties and state and local, with a goal of eventually becoming a national power, great, but to think out of the gate you can influence national politics, its just not going to happen.
Nice strawman you have there. I never said I have no culpability in an Obama second term. I believe that an Obama second term is better than a Romney first term. And I've posted too many times on FreeRepublic why I think this is so. I don't have time to repeat it here.
It was not necessary to define natural born in the constitution. Natural born is in plain simple English, the phrase was in common usage and understood, by the founders.
In addition the US supreme court has defined, for those a little slow, at least three times, natural born citizen as a person born on this nations soil to parents who are citizens of this nation at the time of that birth.
Every candidate up until these last two election cycles, with one exception who did not get caught until out of office, qualified for the office. Now we have Romney, Santorum, McCain, Obama and two VP possibles Jindal and Rubio all of whom fail to qualify because they are not Natural Born Citizens. Do you think this a coincidence?
Not being natural born doesn’t make them lesser citizens than you and I. It does make them ineligible for the office of president as per the constitution.
Sorry, but the Press did not have to work hard to portray Bachmann as a Bitter Shrew, and no one had to put in any effort to make Cain look like a joke at all.
Bachmann’s political career is littered with her making rediculous hyperbole’s that made Gingrich’s in his hayday look like nothing. What was that rediculous number she threw out about Obama’s trip to India? Billions? or whatever it was, it was patently rediculous. Bachmann is a nice conservative foot soldier, from a relatively safe district who can go out and say incredulous things for effect, and that’s great, but a leader or a national party head? Nope, not there, not remotely in her make up.
As to Cain, the very idea, anyone ever serioulsy argued that someone with ZERO experience in a field is qualified to be the person to hold the highest job in that field is so patently rediculous that it defies any logic whatsover.
You don’t go hire someone with zero experience in a field to take the top position in another one, life and the real world don’t work that way, and to argue that politics is somehow the exception to that rule is nonsensical. We already have a complete schlub in the White House, and he’s made a disaster of things.. it will take easily 20-40 years if that to undo the damage this administration has done not only to the US, but more importantly to the stability of the world. The very idea we should send another schlub up fo the job, just because this one has an R beside his name was a nonsense proposition from the get go.
I have not been manipulated by anyone, recognition of Political reality is not manipulation. The tea party bloc wasted their influence this election cycle, because they continually bounced from joke to joke of candidates, and that’s reality. They didn’t bother to think beyond the surface of any of them.. they jumped on whever told them what they wanted to hear, whether or not that person had the experience or ability to back it up, and in doin so, lost any real ability to influence the race in a real meaningful way.
As to Romney being able to beat Obama, while I don’t care much for the guy, he will win, if, the conservative base doesn’t do something self destructive. Like it or not, and this is the cold hard reality of politics that many refuse to recognize, you and I aren’t the people who carry elections for someone. We don’t. Like it or not its that 40% in the middle that decide EVERY election.
And what you and I may like the most, doesn’t mean its going to translate into support among that 40%. That’s the stone cold truth about the political system of the US. National Elections are won or lost on the swing voter. To beat Obama, the Republicans need a candidate that the electorate will not view as too extreme, because that’s all that matters this cycle.. every single poll out there suggest the electorate cannot wait to give this bufoon the boot, however, they will not vote someone that is viewed as too extreme or radical in, to get rid of the radical that is currently there.
I don’t like Romney, I personally prefer Gingrich, and would love to seem him truly take on Obama on an ideological campaign, which I am certain he would do. However, sadly it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Santorum has zero chance of winning a general election he is far too easily painted as radical by his own words. Yes, he excites the social conservative wing of the party, but it also alienated just as many if not more of the swing voter.
I wish Gingrich could have caught fire earlier, and that he would have focused on Santorum and ended the splitting of the conservative vote instead of focusing on Romney months ago, and then he would be the front runner by now, unfortunately that didn’t happen, so we are where we are.
Pragmatic reality is not being manipulated, and only Zealots don’t know who their friends are.
Well then if you believe this, you are free to vote for Obama on election day.
Well thank you, your highness! I am SO relieved that I have your affectedly and irritatingly grand permission to vote as I wish. I never intend to vote for Obama, but you already knew that. I can see from reading all your pompously irritating previous posts that you would definitely qualify for a well-paid position in a Romney administration.
Vote fraud machines: Pick address that can be easily monitored, Mailboxes etc for example, apartment complexes for another, fill out voter registration cards using names from a cemetery or simply make them up, make a copy so you know what the signature looks like.
Now for either primary or general elections you request an absentee ballot for every one of those fake voters, vote the ballot, make sure the signature looks right, mail it back. No need for an ID with picture, no chance of being caught by a poll worker who knows you are not who you say you are. The end result, a stolen election. Now do the math, the Republican turn out has been in the cellar with Romney the least liked and yet he wins. the voting public is gullible BUT there are some of us who can see and connect the dots.
The vote fraud machine was turned out to put Romney in front because the Democrats know that Romney will lose to Obama by at least ten points.
Like it or not its that 40% in the middle that decide EVERY election.
Like it or not that 40% is not in the middle. That forty percent is right of center and both parties are of in left field playing patty cake and laughing at those dumb voters they are maneuvering into totalitarian rule.
The two parties combined represent less than 5% and lie to 95% to get us to vote for them. The party that realizes this and seeks the vote of that “middle” will sweep elections for a good two decades.
Fighting to take the GOP from the left is a struggle of it’s own, you should join us in the struggle, .
Your fighting for Romney is a choice to back the defeat and the destruction of the conservative movement.
As this thread shows, you are a romneybot in 2012.
Again with the name calling from the people who support Newt yet forget how they felt about Newt just a few years ago. When Newt throws his support to the eventual winner and yes it looks like Romney, are you going to call Newt? Sarah? Bachmann? and Santorum Romneybots?
If you want to defend Mormonism against the Christians and the Catholic church which says that it is not a Christian religion, you can do that mostly in the religious forums, Bishop (who will become at least a Cardinal, perhaps even Pope) Romney’s religion does come up a lot.
I don’t give a crap if someone is Mormon, but thank you for proving the point others have made yet I’ve been reluctant to acknowledge, how much of the hate against Romney is because of his record? or his Religion?
So it isn’t just his politics, now you also want to defend his Mormonism. Romney is almost pure religion, his entry into politics was to serve his religion.
Bishop Romney is the son of a Bishop, and a member of Mormon Royalty, the Romneys. Mitt is thought by many Mormons to be the fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy.
Bishop Romney does draw strong devotion from some Catholic girls, supposedly Catholics are the easiest prey of the Mormon cult.
When you spot those people getting on the net to promote Romney in the primary as you are, then give me a call.
If they try it on freerepublic, then give JR a call.
Excuse me? I defend freedom of Religion, and your post is actually quite embarrassing.
I’m promoting Romney? by saying I’ll vote for anyone but Obama? and if that nominee is Romney damn right I’ll support him, as will most here at FR, as will Newt, Sarah, Bachmann and Santorum!
Of course you are promoting Romney, and now his religion.
There is a long list of things that Romney supporters want to forbid discussion on, one of them is his role as a powerful cult leader, and how that is the driving force behind his ambition to become President.
Are you serious? the fact that I’m not even Mormon YET I have the audacity to say I don’t care that he’s Mormon, that somehow translates to promoting his Religion. Seriously?
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