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Can Romney beat Obama?

Posted on 03/07/2012 6:40:54 PM PST by seeking enlightenment

With Romney squeaking out Ohio and a few other races before I have to question his electability. Ron Paul's supporters are going to support Paul no matter what but Santorum and Gingrich are splitting the vote. If Gingrich wasn't in the race then Romney loses the close races, there is not going to be anyone to split the the vote with Obama. Romney is also spending up to six times the money of the other candidates. Obama is talking about raising 1 billion dollars so Romney will probably be on the other side of the money battle and will his leads evaporate or will he be able to close the gap in the close races when he can't outspend Obama? I know that many people will vote for anyone but Obama but Romney doesn't seem to be able to inspire most of the Republicans and conservatives to vote for him so will he be able to pull in the undecided independents when the media turns the spotlight on him, he has yet to take a serious beating by the media yet and can he take it? If the race was a two man race and Santorum or possibly Gingrich had half his money I don't think he'd get the Republican nomination. So if Romney becomes the nominee and he no longer has his advantages and the pro Obama media comes into play, can he win?

TOPICS: Politics
KEYWORDS: romney
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To: HamiltonJay
Support your candidate, but remember, at the end of the day, if your guy could not win a general election, you are handing your opponent a victory, its a very simple calculus.

There's a third way HamiltonJay.

Recognizing that Romney will not and cannot win, we, as conservatives, need to start laying the groundwork to coalesce around an actual conservative party.

The GOP-E, will all their tricks, the crap they have thrown at the only conservatives in the race, with their open-primaries and their open war against the Tea-Party have, I believe, shown they are no longer the home for conservatives.

Now is the time for all good-intentioned, principled conservatives to unite together to make a difference.

If ROmney is the nominee, the GOP has outlived it's usefulness.
181 posted on 03/08/2012 10:12:31 AM PST by SoConPubbie
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To: SoConPubbie
Romney supporters when they can't find anything postive about their candidate

It's disingenuous to call us romney supporters. We are last resort candidate supporters. If it were up to me, Rick Perry would be our nominee. I thought he was the perfect candidate when he announced - big Second and Tenth Amendment advocate, served his country, from a large energy producing state, three-term governor with executive experience, pro life, pro God and country. He was destroyed early. This is what we're left with through no choice of our own. You can call it what you want, all I know is, at the end of the day, I am on the ABO bandwagon.

182 posted on 03/08/2012 10:34:02 AM PST by jersey117 (The Stepford Media should be sued for malpractice)
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I totally disagree. Since the US Supreme Court has never defined the meaning of “natural born citizen” we can only guess at its meaning. The word “natural” has several meanings, including “surely”. One could argue both Rick and Mitt were surely born in the United States, making them both natural born citizens. How can one disagree with that statement? Also, as I’m sure you know, the words “parents, mother, father,” are not in this part of the Constitution. If the authors wanted “natural born” to be related to a parent’s status they surely would have clearly stated it. Also, just my opinion, how are Rick and Mitt lesser citizens than you or me?

183 posted on 03/08/2012 10:34:15 AM PST by dupree
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To: SoConPubbie


There is no third way. Much as you or I may not like Romney, if he is the candidate, and you decide third party or staying at home, you hand Obama a second term. That’s reality. YOu want to form a new party, feel free, but don’t think you’ll impact national politics in any meaningful way other than ensure the leftists repeatative wins at the ballot box.

Creating a viable 3rd party takes years and not even a handful of times in the history of the nation has one rose to prominance and taking a predecessor out.

The idea you can form a 3rd party and get what you want at the national level in the short term is beyond naive.

You wish to change the game you have to start at the bottom and grow up... That means, get conservative candidates elected to state local and congressional offices, and groom them for higher things, and grow them into national candidates, not just think you can walk in and dictate an outcome in a national campaign.. American Politics are deliberately set up to prevent such things.

184 posted on 03/08/2012 11:11:21 AM PST by HamiltonJay
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To: dupree

The supreme court doesn’t need to DEFINE a word, the term has a very clear understood meaning at the time of the constitutions writing. The very idea that you believe the supreme court must INTERPRET the constitution for it have meaning shows how crazy upside down the world is.

185 posted on 03/08/2012 11:13:30 AM PST by HamiltonJay
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To: HamiltonJay
There is no third way. Much as you or I may not like Romney, if he is the candidate, and you decide third party or staying at home, you hand Obama a second term.

If Obama gets a second term because I refuse to vote for Romney, that's NOT my fault - it's the GOP's fault.

186 posted on 03/08/2012 11:27:24 AM PST by COBOL2Java (Mitt Romney is SEVERELY conservative - and I'm SEVERELY against giving him my vote!)
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To: jersey117

If Obama wins or if Romney wins there will be no turning back without a march on Washington and lots of rope.

Obama thinks he’s the “ONE” Romney knows he’s the “ONE”
Romney knows what he is working toward, Obama doesn’t really know, and that is totalitarian rule. and add to that the fact that Romney is not QUALIFIED for the office.

187 posted on 03/08/2012 11:41:24 AM PST by W. W. SMITH (Obama is Romney lite)
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To: HamiltonJay

The Democrats also turned out their vote fraud machine to ensure Romney’s win in some states like Ohio and Florida.

188 posted on 03/08/2012 11:46:58 AM PST by W. W. SMITH (Obama is Romney lite)
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To: HamiltonJay
Creating a viable 3rd party takes years and not even a handful of times in the history of the nation has one rose to prominance and taking a predecessor out.

The idea you can form a 3rd party and get what you want at the national level in the short term is beyond naive.

No, not naive, necessary.

And you're right, it will take years.

What better time and political environment then to start right now.

You're GOP is rapidly moving left and will continue to do so as the people with money in the party are concerned with only one thing, their money.

They have no concern for your principles except as a way to manipulate you and other principled voters to keep voting for them.

They only thing they will respect, is if you and other conservatives band together and say no more.

As long as they can manipulate you into continually accepting their frankly, crappy candidates like Mitt Romney, they've won.

They will never change.

If we always just look at a hard task, and say it is hard, therefore it is not worth trying, we gain nothing.

The path you are on with the GOP in this election will lead to sure-fire defeat if Romney is the nominee.

He has too much baggage that will be used against him if he is the nominee.
189 posted on 03/08/2012 11:47:38 AM PST by SoConPubbie
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To: jersey117
It's disingenuous to call us romney supporters. We are last resort candidate supporters.

No, it is not.

At the end of the day, when you boil away all the fat, you're left with being a Romney supporter, plain and simple.
190 posted on 03/08/2012 11:49:29 AM PST by SoConPubbie
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To: SoConPubbie

As long as the GOP can fool conservatives into thinking it represents them the slow slide into the abyss will continue.

191 posted on 03/08/2012 11:51:58 AM PST by trappedincanuckistan (livefreeordietryin)
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To: trappedincanuckistan
As long as the GOP can fool conservatives into thinking it represents them the slow slide into the abyss will continue.

And I'm sure a President Myth will ease himself quite comfortably into the Boehner/McConnell "kick the can down the road" mentality.

192 posted on 03/08/2012 11:55:48 AM PST by COBOL2Java (Mitt Romney is SEVERELY conservative - and I'm SEVERELY against giving him my vote!)
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To: COBOL2Java

Romney is much worse than McConnell/Boehner. They are incompetent/willing participants whereas Romney is a full fledged participant in extinguishing freedom.

193 posted on 03/08/2012 12:00:22 PM PST by trappedincanuckistan (livefreeordietryin)
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To: HamiltonJay

The Republican/Democrat elite and the media worked hard to portray Bachmann as a bitter shrew and Cain as an abject joke. How does it feel to have been manipulated so easily. They now have you advocating voting for their candidate, Romney, who can’t come within ten points of Obama.

194 posted on 03/08/2012 12:02:43 PM PST by W. W. SMITH (Obama is Romney lite)
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To: Ballygrl

Correct that would be a good analysis.

195 posted on 03/08/2012 12:03:41 PM PST by JohnD9207 (Santorum...the only Conservative in the race.)
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To: COBOL2Java

No, its not.

You are welcome to refuse to vote Romney, but to claim you have no culpability if Obama gets a second term for doing so, you are absolutely wrong.

You willingly and knowingly made a choice that you knew would give the White House to Obama for another term, so don’t try to pass the buck.

I hate Romney, and it disgusts me that he’s probably going to the candidate, but hold no dillusions, you decide to stay home on election day, or vote for some third party candidate and Obama wins you have contributed in returing Obama to the White House.

Blaming the GOP, like it or not Romney wins the Primary Process is silly, and incorrect. While clearly he is the establishments candidate, he still had to win the nomination via the Primary Process, and most likely will do so, so to simply blame the essoteric GOP when Millions of folks voted for him, that’s just silly.

196 posted on 03/08/2012 12:10:06 PM PST by HamiltonJay
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To: trappedincanuckistan
Romney is much worse than McConnell/Boehner. They are incompetent/willing participants whereas Romney is a full fledged participant in extinguishing freedom.

I can agree with that. My point is I think Romney will find the RINO Zeitgeist, the "let's not rock the boat, just kick the can down the road" attitude quite amenable to his philosophy of governance.

197 posted on 03/08/2012 12:11:16 PM PST by COBOL2Java (Mitt Romney is SEVERELY conservative - and I'm SEVERELY against giving him my vote!)
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A nice allegation, but unless you have proof that voter fraud was rampant, and PROOF, not allegation or speculation or hearsay, you have nothing but conspiracy theory. And By Rampant I mean numbers enough to effect the outcome, not a case here and there.

Personally I think open primaries are rediculous and should not exist, but I don’t run the GOP in the states that have them, so as much as I think its rediculous that someone no affiliated with the party can walk in and vote for a candidate in the primary is, it is what it is.

198 posted on 03/08/2012 12:13:50 PM PST by HamiltonJay
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A nice allegation, but unless you have proof that voter fraud was rampant, and PROOF, not allegation or speculation or hearsay, you have nothing but conspiracy theory. And By Rampant I mean numbers enough to effect the outcome, not a case here and there.

Personally I think open primaries are rediculous and should not exist, but I don’t run the GOP in the states that have them, so as much as I think its rediculous that someone no affiliated with the party can walk in and vote for a candidate in the primary is, it is what it is.

199 posted on 03/08/2012 12:13:50 PM PST by HamiltonJay
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A nice allegation, but unless you have proof that voter fraud was rampant, and PROOF, not allegation or speculation or hearsay, you have nothing but conspiracy theory. And By Rampant I mean numbers enough to effect the outcome, not a case here and there.

Personally I think open primaries are rediculous and should not exist, but I don’t run the GOP in the states that have them, so as much as I think its rediculous that someone no affiliated with the party can walk in and vote for a candidate in the primary is, it is what it is.

200 posted on 03/08/2012 12:14:07 PM PST by HamiltonJay
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