Geez, you must be young to not remember that the year 2000 was all about the ‘Compassionate Conservative’... aka: Bush the Younger.
You So-Cons just don't get it!! A strong social conservative CANNOT win! You will scare away the MODERATE SUBURBAN MOMS we need to WIN! This election is all about FISCAL ISSUES! The MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE is the economy and only OUR candidate has the credentials to WIN on THAT issue! We must ALL unite behind the FISCAL CONSERVATIVE to SAVE America!
You So-Cons just don't get it!! A strong social conservative CANNOT win! You will scare away the MODERATE SUBURBAN MOMS we need to WIN! This election is all about NATIONAL SECURITY! The MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE is the WAR ON TERROR and only OUR candidate has the credentials to WIN on THAT issue! We must ALL unite behind the NATIONAL SECURITY CONSERVATIVE to SAVE America!