Another idiotic conclusion because it doesn’t matter who runs against Obama. Obama is running against the economy. Whoever runs as the GOP nominee only has to scream about Obama’s track record in trashing the economy. That’s it. So it doesn’t matter a whit if the nominee is not charismatic or has a whiny demeanor or whatever.
Obama vs. the economy. This is what the GOP establishment has missed all along.
Good economy = Obama 2nd term.
Bad economy = Obama one term wonder.
It’s that simple.
Horse poopey. Do you think they won’t cut Newt or Romney to shreads?
Man up, this is going to be ugly and a double divorcee with ethics troubles, a lurid history with women, or a billionaire guy with no principles, will fair far worse than Rick Santorum.
Good grief.
They`re ALL going to get flayed by Obama`s machine, so that whole argument is a wash.
Look, Romney`s dropping like a stone and Gingrich is tanking as well. Some of us want the social conservative message put forward, and the only one willing and able to do that is Santorum.
Enough of the establishment pushing weak moderates. If America is going down, let her go down fighting!
We have got to throw everything we have at 0bama’s massive money machine. It is IMPERATIVE that we look at this upcoming election this way: We MUST win or America is DONE. Period. That’s no overdramatization,no handwringing,no overblown statement. It’s simply a statement of fact. To say that this is a must-win election is understating the importance of it.We have to work harder,donate more time,money and resources than we ever have before. If the guy you support is behind,back him up with everything you have to offer. If Santorum is your man,please do the same. But what we really,really need to do is to stop attacking each other,and stop bashing anyone who has a chance to beat the most aggressively leftist regime we have ever faced. Just sayin’.
Zer0 has more than his $billion war chest. He has been spending much more on those government checks and growing the entitlement mentality.
Sorry, didn’t realize this was a Freeper vanity or I would have not said idiotic. Make that “fallacious”. Sorry about that, Chief.
They said virtually the exact same thing about my congressman who was himself voted out of office in the election two years before.
He’s in office today and the former democrat incumbent is about $8 million poorer.
I love the way we’re so terrified of Obama that we’re desperately trying to mold our race to the democrats and ideology is nothing but a stumbling block.
Souls are non refundable. You sell it and its gone.
You cite Obama’s billion dollar money machine. My information says that Obama isn’t going to raise anywhere near that amount.
You state that Obama’s big money machine will destroy Santorum. Well which candidate did better against Romney’s big money machine, Gingrich or Santorum?
You state “Since the Left would love for Santorum to be the nominee, youre not hearing a peep from them- yet”...I guess you haven’t been paying attention to the HHS mandate on contraceptives/abortificants that will affect the Catholic Church. Funny that Santorum is Catholic, and the mandate came out just after Santorum’s MN/MO/CO wins.
Others state “what about Santorum’s accomplishments?” No matter what you think of Santorum, this race will NOT be ran on accomplishments...Obama has failed miserably in that department and Obama will avoid any discussion of accomplishments.
The GOP’s insiders didn’t expect Ronnie to do well either.
But the Obama machine would play nice with Romrich? Yeah sure. Thanks for helping out Romney’s spin machine. I am sure they appreciate.
You scream and beat your chest about working day in and day out for three years but then beg like a little girl...please...
Stop whining and go buy a sweater vest, because when July rolls around and Santorum is the nominee you'll be claiming that you were for him all along.
You can't be a Reaganite anything, because you denigrate your opponent too much.
Santorum is nothing more than a beneficiary of the “Thursday of Blood” onslaught against Speaker Gingrich.
One of the many problems I have with Mitt Romnmey is that I have no confidence whatsoever that he would turn any of his ruthlessness on Obama if nominated. He would make McCain’s halfhearted campaign in 2008 look vicious by comparison.
I agree that Santorum is flawed. But what does it say about Romney that conservatives are flocking to any other choice they can get, and Romney can’t close the deal?
I am trying not to start arguments - we should save our energy for the liberals and establishment types.
If Romney is destined to be the nominee, a decent debate won’t hurt him - it will sharpen his skills and his message. So having continued debate shouldn’t be a concern.
I am not happy with my choices!!!
The billion dollar Obama machine is going to cut ANY Republican nominee to ribbons.
1. Weak: Gingrich is a horrible negotiator who spins gold into straw. Example: He was completely innocent of ethics violations, but he admitted guild and paid a $300,000 fine. He couldn't be a king high with a full house.
2. Uncharismatic: Gingrich has unbelievably high negatives, and is unlikable to most of the U.S. Pretty much the ant-Reagan. 3. Left wants him: He's the ONLY candidate the Occupy movement attacks. They leave Romrich alone. The left basically said GOP voters had to pick Romney or Gingrich. No other options.
4. He only popped up when other candidates receded: Isn't the same thing true of Gingrich. He only popped up late in the game. He was busy taking cruises before.
5.Stay on message: Was Gingrich on message when he decided not to attack Romney not from the right, but from the left? He basically trashed capitalism, and used Marxist terminology. Have we really come to the point we need a GOP nominee, who sounds like a back issue of Mother Jones ?
I like Rick. I think he’s a good man and would make a good president. I just wonder if he has the guts and guns to take on a machine like the one protecting Obama?
I believe that Newt could hold his own against Obama. I’m sure that they would go after all his dirty laundry but it’s already been aired anyway so they have little they can use that isn’t already known.
Santorum is a nice guy with some fight in him, but he better be really ready and able to stand toe to toe with not only Obama but his team of cutthroat pigs. They will fight in the dirtiest way possible. Count on it.
I like him. A lot. He’ll look like sunshine and balloons compared to that weirdo that’s in office now, I’m not buyin what you’re sellin, sorry
When Santorum speaks he needs to show more emotion and anger at what Obama is doing to our country. He needs to get fired up.