Judge Malihi’s ruling in this case sets a VERY, VERY, VERY bad legal precedent. He has now paved the way in GOLD and PLATINUM for ANY defendant in a legal proceeding to arrogantly ignore the court’s requirements and walk away with a ruling in their favor.
IOW, the rule of law has been turned on its ear because a defendant NO LONGER has to offer ANY testimony or evidence in order to receive a judgement in their favor.
The way that the law operates in the US is predicated not only on the written laws, but the result of legal proceedings that establish precedents for future cases.
In this one proceeding, the judicial system in America has been trashed and completely dismantled.
Malihi didn’t need probative evidence because his decision was based entirely on “judge’s knowledge”.
Obama is dependent on a sharia ruling in order to even be on the GA ballot.
There is a pattern emerging recently that confirms reports from earlier. I posted about it at http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2843995/posts?page=88#88 .