Seriously, if Romney gets the nomination then I will either just vote 3rd party or just stay home.
If romney is the candidate, I will vote for him, but I will be extremely pissed off.
I will hope that a TEA Party congress will reign him in. Anybody butt Ovomit.
LOTS of Conservatives here feel that way; but the Fix is in for Romney the RINO. He's the Chosen One, and Cain is the only real Conservative left. He will not outrun the money of Romney, nor the State-Run-Media 24/7 push for Romney the RINO.
When I see an image of Romney, it turns my stomach. I feel sick. If I hear his voice with it, I draw back. I can't stand it.
I can't see myself voting for him. I really do think I'd get sick. It's like a bad omen. I just couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I've never felt this bad about a candidate. Even Oboma didn't make me physically ill like Romney does.
Thank you for helping reelect Obama.
Me too.
If Romney wins the debate, the same idiots who ran Bush II’s SECOND term, plus a few more, will be in the White House.
The same globalist, Crony Capitalist RINOs and Rockefeller Republicans who infect the GOP in such backwaters as New Jersey, New York and New England will be calling the shots.
If Romney is nominated, I STAY HOME - or write in “George Washington”.
Get out there now and campaign and contribute to Cain or Perry - the only people who can stop this abortion from seizing the nomiantion,
Obama will appreciate that!
Go ahead, Obama lover.
Although not my first choice, I will have no problem voting and supporting Romney if he’s the nominee.
WEll, then you will be voting for Obama! Please re-think this.
Romney isn’t my favorite but I would vote for my dog before I would help Obama win again.
There is no way that Obama doesn't take California.
However, if more than 5% of US voters vote for the Green Party then they will become an 'officially' recognized party, which should cause the Democrats grief for quite some time to come.
Write in Cain!