Posted on 07/15/2011 12:32:25 PM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
(YBH) Surely if the Republican party knows what is good for it, it will clear the path for Governor Rick Perry of Texas to take on President Obama next year. He is the guy. Texass economic story is amazing, especially compared to Barack Obamas performance with the economy.
I know. I know. The naysayers will say Rick Perry loves Jeebus (the lefts name for Jesus Christ) too much. But Barack Obama loves Rev. Wright. Theyll say he lives in a mansion that costs the tax payers of Texas over $10,000 per month. Well Obama got away with a shady land deal involving Tony Rezco. And lastly they will say constantly that Rick Perry is from the same state as George W. Bush. Yes, but Barack Obama is from the same state as Barack Obama.
I met Rick Perry once. I was taken aback how much his speaking style (without the lack of fluidity) mirrored George W. Bushs. His physical gestures mirror Mr. Bushs as well. However, dont be fooled the two men are quite dissimilar.
Rick Perry has been elected to serve as Governor in three consecutive elections. He has been in Texas politics since 1984 serving in the legislature, as Agriculture Commissioner and as Leutenant Governor. Even if he had a father as powerful as George H.W. Bush no one could accuse him nepotism with that record. And oh yeah, he used to be a Democrat.
Its time for the big fight. Obama vs. Perry. Time for the GOP to cut the sideshow and pull up the curtain.....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Perry endorsed Giuliani on his national security platform.
Rick Perry endorsed Al Gore when they were both southern democrats in 1988 (Dukakis won that Dem Primary) Perry became a Republican in 1989.
..Gore won a seat in Congress in 1976 "with 32 percent of the vote, three percentage points more than his nearest rival." He won the next three elections in 1978, 1980, and 1982 where "he was unopposed twice and won 79 percent of the vote the other time." In 1984, Gore successfully ran for a seat in the U.S. Senate, which had been vacated by Republican Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker. He was "unopposed in the Democratic Senatorial primary and won the general election going away," despite the fact that Republican President Ronald Reagan swept Tennessee in his reelection campaign the same year.
During his time in Congress, Gore was considered a "moderate" (he referred to himself as a "raging moderate") opposing federal funding of abortion, voting in favor of a bill which supported a moment in silence in schools, and voting against a ban on interstate sales of guns. His position as a moderate (and on policies related to that label) shifted later in life after he became Vice President and ran for president in 2000 Source
......"At the beginning of his six years in the State House, Mr. Perry shot down the notion that he might switch parties, despite the conservative leanings that put him at odds with his party leaders.
After former United States Representative Kent Hance of Lubbock defected to the Republican Party in 1985, Mr. Perry told the Abilene paper he was disappointed, saying he planned to change his party rather than defect to the other side.
The gap was obvious by 1989, his last year in the Legislature, when Mr. Perry carried a workers compensation insurance bill that angered Texas trial lawyers, then a powerful force in state politics. That same year, The Dallas Morning News named Mr. Perry one of the states 10 best legislators, but he was criticized by another publication.
The liberal Texas Observer called Mr. Perry the Benedict Arnold of the Democratic Party for siding too often with Mr. Clements.
If The Texas Observer ever says anything good about me, then Ive been hit on the head and they can send me back home, Mr. Perry said.
Rumors that Mr. Perry would defect to the Republican Party and run against Jim Hightower, the populist Democratic agriculture commissioner picked up steam by late 1989. On Sept. 29, Mr. Perry made it official at a Capitol news conference. At his side were Fred Meyer, chairman of the Texas Republican Party, and Senator Phil Gramm, a former Democrat, who was aggressively courting would-be converts.
Mr. Perrys timing, now legendary, could not have been better. He was one of only two Republicans elected to nonjudicial statewide office in 1990. Eight years later, Republicans swept every one of them.
Perry has been a risk taker, said Mr. Hance, the party switcher who became the chancellor of Texas Tech University. And if you look at Perrys timing in every race, hes been the golden guy. Taking a Look at the Governor, Back When He Was a Democrat
RomneyCARE. Gardasil-by-EO-Mandate
eliminate Milt Romney and RINO Perry from consideration.
Hurt themselves already, RINOs Romney and Perry have.
WRONG. And your credibility just dropped like a rock.
RINO Perry's Chief of Staff worked for Merck
and, at the time, the Merck company was desperate for cash.
RINO Perry rejected opponents' and Conservatives' calls to reverse
his mandate
"RP65 - Relating to the immunization of young women
from the cancer-causing Human Papillomavirus.
Friday, February 02, 2007 o Executive Order
Rules.The Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner
shall adopt rules that mandate the age appropriate vaccination
of all female children for HPV prior to admission to the sixth grade."
The definition of mandate is a command by a person,
group, or organization (the 'mandator') to another
(the 'mandatary') to act in a particular way, or here
to ingest, inject, imbed a poison or other substance
they do not want and for which informed consent was
never taken.
Right. Like Perry is responsible for Texas’ oil industry. *eyeroll*
So, you’re just another drive-by poster with nothing to add but silly comments.
Your brilliant gay bilderberger smear strategy has all the effectiveness of a gnat endeavoring to impregnate a pachyderm. Continue to over-imagine your potency.
in a general election showdown, Huntsman would rack up a bigger win over Obama than Romney would. IMO. :)
Thanks for the catch. I was under a deadline this morning and needed to shoot the video of the piece you read and publish it by noon.
Due to the rush I never spell checked. Thanks for the catch and in no way is the Yes, But, However! standard to let pieces hit the wires that way.
Leutenant John Romano ;) He could win solely on the economic issue. I don’t see how you could see otherwise...?
Anytime governor Rick Perry is mentioned, Free Repubic seems to turn into something resembling Democratic Underground.
Posts regarding Perry are peppered with profanity, vulgarity and downright fabrications- the likes of which is seldom seen on Free Republic.”
Ain’t that the truth!? That’s why I think he’ll win the nomination....haha
With John McCain I understood why people were yelling Rhino all over the place, but that word is so overused now-a-days that I’d wager to say 60% of freepers would be labelled rhinos if they fully displayed their beliefs. Divide and conquer; this sort of puritanical manner will get us no-where.
It makes us look like children and less like adults. I know I won’t always get what I want from my leaders, but the key aspects are what’s most important. Our direction is the most conservative and electable, but don’t hate every candidate that doesn’t fit your bill to a tee.
You discovered that the Texas-Mexico border makes up 1254 miles of the 1900-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border and, therefore, that's where a lot of illegal Mexicans end up!
Good for you!
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