He’s trying to destroy the constitution. That’s something that the electorate cares about.
And the sour economy will provide them with the expediency to de-legitimize the constitution (I can see it now:
“Ignore the constitution’s eligibility requirement and keep me in, or the economic uncertainty that will result from my ouster based on eligibility grounds will make things worse!!!!)
He needs to be hit and hit HARD on everything—Not a Naturalized Citizen, Czars, Spitting on Contractual Law, Commie Health”Care” shoved down our throats, fraud, election fraud, foreign money infused into elections.....EVERYTHING.
********The Constitution of the United States of America********
So if your issue is the economy, great, I think that is important too. You work on that. If your issue is stopping amnesty and securing the border, great, I'm with ya. You work on that. If you are appalled by the czars and marxists and radicals in this administration, great, I hate that too. You work on that.
Many of us think the eligibility issue is #1. We'll work on that. You should be too busy working on all those other things to waste any time criticizing us.
“His poll numbers have already started tanking again after “taking out” Bin Laden. Whatever bump he may have had, they didn’t last long”.
Poll numbers, schmoll numbers!!
We’ll see illegal voting, including by alien border crossers, such as has not ever before been seen, or imagined.
The reason to push the issue is as the poster said, they want to make a wedge/chink in the Constitution. If my recall serves me correctly Obabama has indicated in the past his change includes changes to the Constitution. I make my point again that when the Founding Fathers wrote and signed our Constitution they specifically and explicitly differentiated between a ‘citizen’ and a ‘natural born citizen’. They did this by specifying ‘citizen’ for Senators and Represetatives as distinguished from ‘natural born citizen’ i.e.NBC for office of POTUSA. The procededings of the times document their differentiation from Jay’s suggestion to Washington’s ageeing. It is interesting that the Constitution makes no such requirement for a SC judge and this has other implications. The point the poster makes goes beyond NBC but towards other shenannigans that people like Obama and his cabal who want to destroy the heritage of this Nation. Some people can’t see the forest/Constitution because of the trees/political issues.
If Obama is a natural born citizen he has every right to be occupying the White House.
Yep Major, we don’t need no stinking Constitution, you know that thing that you swore an oath to defend against all enemies, foreign or domestic? That thing?
So we just let it slide? The Constitution doesn’t matter? If we back-off of this issue we are setting a disastrous precedent.
“why would you even need to push this issue?”
O’s legitimacy is just as important as ObamaCare. Rule of Law is in question here. That is what sets America apart from the rest of the world. What we have now is a Der Fuehrer!
General Election: Republican vs. Obama
Poll Date Sample Obama (D) Republican (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/8 - 5/8 — 43.2 37.4 Obama +5.8
Considering the economy, Obama isn’t doing bad at all. Whatever we can do to keep him from being re-elected is what we need to do.
We need this issue to destroy the fake MSM’s mask of objectivity. They gave McCain’s citizenship questions a proctology exam; as they did to Palin’s background and family life.
The media must be called out on their double-standard. Obama has been given a free pass for almost three years.