Neither do I, dear Cronos!
If I did, I would have zero explanation for the miracle of my own spiritual transformation/reformation in Christ which occurred when I was "born again."
I DO consider that a miracle. Totally.
Yet I think it's true that, today, many folks of different Christian sects are "uncomfortable" with miracles such as (arguably) Fatima and Medjugorje. Such folks seemingly uniformly deny them on principle as manifestations of demonic powers. That's the initial presupposition on which their following argument is uniformly based.
But the fact remains these debunkers weren't there; i.e., at Fatima or Medjugorje. Literally tens of thousands of other people were there. And gave their accounts of what they saw/experienced.
I wasn't there either. Thus I have no basis or evidence to call the others who were there either liars, or victims of mass hypnosis. Which are the only two possibilities by which the historical account can be read in the debunkers' view.
I have no reason or evidence to say the participant reports of the events at Fatima and Medjugorje are false, utter lies or the results of hypnotic programming of some kind. (A very modern idea.)
My dear brother in Christ, Quix, even tosses in UFOs directed by satanic powers as the main facilitators of such events. He points to what Catholics call "The Miracle of the Sun," in which to the on-scene observers, the Sun seemed to "dance" not "fall" as some indirect observers have said in the sky. So dear brother Quix seemingly reasons a UFO must have been involved....
The modern mind finds modern solutions to problems, I guess.
Even though he drives me nutz with such contentions (of which he is constantly reminding me), I love my dear brother in Christ very much. I honor his freedom to ask and answer questions according to the Light given unto him. So I will not even say his argument is "wrong." It is his view; and I respect it as such.
My view is different but we are still brother and sister in Christ. And I try never to forget that.
Thanks you ever so much for writing, dear Cronos!
bluntly — I don’t have any opinion on Fatima or Medjugorje. As a Catholic, these are personal revelations — if they are true, good. If they help people find God, good. Beyond that, I’m not interested in them. It’s the same with talking in tongues. It can happen, just like other miracles, but it is additional to my faith and I don’t go seeking them out. If one person wants to believe these above the basic gospel, ok, that’s their choice, I’m not going to be like the OPC and attack you for that.