Posted on 03/13/2011 1:42:10 PM PDT by MetropolisReporter
From Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin,
I learned:
It's not "about the children."
Liberals/Socialists/Marxists/Democrats union members/supporters can trash an historic capitol building without personal or legal consequences.
Lib/Soc/Marx/Democrats union members/supporters can threaten the lives of elected legislators that disagree with them and their families without personal or legal consequences.
Lib/Soc/Marx/Democrat union members/supporters can threaten private business jobs through boycotts and violence when private business owners disagree with them without consequences.
Democrats who flee the state in order to subvert the will of the people are "heroes."
A Republican governor who outsmarts the Lib/Soc/Marx/Democrats is a dictator, like Hitler.
City bus drivers are entitled to $159,000 in salary and overtime per year; teachers are entitled to $100,000 in salary and benefits for working nine months a year; prison guards are entitled to 2 1/2 times their pay for calling in sick then working the following shift; school superintendents are entitled to $200,000 in salary alone for nine months a year; union bosses are entitled to $300,000 to $500,000 in salary a year.
Police don't have to enforce laws if they don't want to.
Public workers are more "special" than private sector workers.
The end really does justify the means.
Rules and laws don't apply to Liberals/Socialists/Marxists/Democrats union members/supporters.
Taxpayers better shut up and pay up.
I had heard they got $ 180,000/year ($ 15,000/month) in base pay.
Maybe it's two different cities in Wisconsin.
Just googled it. The base hourly pay for Madison, Wisconsin bus drivers is about 26 dollars an hour. Several drivers earned over 100k in overtime due to large amounts of absences by other employees. The Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, has resorted in some employees working very long hours. Most of the high-earning drivers are senior employees who get first crack at overtime.
$26/hr x 24 hours/day x 365 days/year = $ 227,760/year.
They can make that without even working on February 29.
I was listening to a local talk radio show on Friday - a woman called and told the host, "We spoke before - I'm 53 years old and I had never voted convinced me to vote for Scott Walker and I did. But my daughter in law is a teacher and now I feel terrible--she is going to have to pay all this money and might lose her job and I am responsible."
And I'm sitting there wondering how this brainless woman could have made it to 53 in the first place. But they do...and they procreate...and they vote.
Remarkably similar tactics were employed by the National Socialists in Germany in disrupting the Reichstag in the thirties, and thinly disguised threats are being made against businesses believed to be supportive of the Republicans. Is a Reichstag fire and a Krystallnacht in our future?
And union and democrat thugs (but I repeat myself) have the gall to carry around posters depicting Walker as a Hitler. Sheer projection.
Some poor ‘ol state union “workers” get $6000 to $9000 extra a year for the burden of carrying a pager on weekends. Poor dears!
Living a mere 20 miles from Libtard Central Madistan, it’s been a painful experience watching the libs obstruct our elected officials from doing what we elected them to do.
It’s true, there is nothing that is too low for them to try. Well, the bastards like abortion and are proud of it, so nothing else they do, no lesser evil, bothers them in the least.
They won’t pay until they meet their Maker. And just because they don’t think they have one, doesn’t make it so.
Can you imagine the reaction/outcry if Tea Party members behaved in even 1/10 of the fashion these goons did- chasing legislators, death-threats, vandalism, thuggery, etc... All the Tea Party has to do is peacefully assemble somewhere and they are violent, racist, a threat to democracy, etc... What a joke! I hope this wakes some people up.
I seriously want the damage to the Capitol grounds in Madison charged to the various unions who created it. I have heard figures well into the millions of dollars. That’s hard to imagine for granite hallways and marble wall paneling (unless it was indeed smashed) heavy doors, etc; typical of “state capitol” grade construction. But there could be some very serious landscaping remediation required. And still the $7-9 million figure seems highish. Nevertheless, it’s nothing if not the perfect paradigm to describe the situation at hand: The unions there are trashing the public treasury, and another example of it should not be tolerated.
The best that I can remember is that his mouth kind of dropped open and he stared out into space. Then he just sort of shuffled off to a group of his friends. At that point I turned to the crowd and loudly told them that they were being brainwashed by the guy with the megaphone and that they needed to think their own thoughts. A little later I went back to the first guy and kind of picked up our conversation.
Hope you made some progress. I’m not sure I could keep my cool around those fools so it’s probably better I stay away.
I know exactly how you feel. My biggest prayer before I first went out there was asking The LORD to please not let me be angry because I felt so much anger for them. I knew it would take God to control me. He did and more than I could have imagined. Before The LORD I decided to preach The Gospel with them and stay out of the politics of it all. They are so driven and constantly wanted to pull me into arguments around ideology so that they could dismiss what I was saying about their need for Christ. I kept telling them that I was not out there for politics but my purpose for being out there was to lift up Jesus. It is The Gospel itself that does the work. Our first priority is to, by the grace of God, get them saved and let The Holy Spirit begin to do His work on them from the inside out. Many, many of them are actually open to Gospel. Many of them are lost souls looking for a reason to live that is bigger than themselves. I went out there angry at them but came back with compassion for them.
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