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Palin to Christie: Real Courage is cutting when you have a surplus – like I did
The Right Scoop ^
| March 4, 2011
| The Right Scoop
Posted on 03/04/2011 5:59:06 PM PST by Virginia Ridgerunner
Palin says that Christie is forced to cut budgets because NJ is broke. But she points out that when she became Governor of Alaska, she cut even though she had a surplus:
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KEYWORDS: chrischristie; christie; freepressforpalin; iquitarod; palin; palinquitter; quitter; quitterpalin; sarahpalin
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To: bjcoop; chicagolady
Here's the truth about the so-called "Conservative" Christie, the truth the Main-Stream media, and even conservative journalists/organizations are not printing:
- Chris Christie's budget passed only after three conservative Republicans were bullied into voting for it and the savings achieved in the budget were done at the expense of new taxes, new fees, federal Stimulus funds and accounting gimmicks; the 2% property tax cap will actually cause taxes to skyrocket; he has yet to propose the across the board tax cuts he promised as a candidate; the budget actually INCREASES state expenditures by 6% and the number of staff in the Governors office making $100,000 per year increases by ten;
- Chris Christie's confrontation with the unions is pure Kabuki theater with nothing accomplished but acrimony; he has yet to lay off a single state employee and his proposed 2011 state worker reduction plan is little more than window dressing;
- Chris Christie has populated his cabinet with notorious liberals while firing the only true conservative - after slandering him;
- Chris Christie has endorsed notorious RINO candidates in the 2010 mid-term election while avoiding (with one notable exception) contact with conservative candidates;
- Chris Christie supports a multi-state Cap & Trade scheme known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and is so committed to Cap & Trade that he used funds raised from RGGIs carbon auctions to help balance the budget; he has directed that state funds be appropriated to subsidize green technology ventures such as off-shore windmills;
- Chris Christie has refused to join other state attorneys-general in a joint lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare while accepting federal funds for the implementation of a similar program on a statewide level;
- Chris Christie is on record saying that he does not believe illegal aliens are here illegally; he has indicated that he supports amnesty for illegals; he generally favors strict gun control and he supports construction of the Ground Zero Mosque even as he condemns those who oppose it.
To: bjcoop; chicagolady
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
Mrs. Palin’s getting snarky. But that’s her reputation.
posted on
03/04/2011 6:19:01 PM PST
(Antifederalist Brutus was right!)
Comment #24 Removed by Moderator
To: Pure Country
You are exactly right. She sits back and takes it for days. Then she comes out and WHAM. The pettiness has been all the stupid remarks by so-called republicans about her.
posted on
03/04/2011 6:22:15 PM PST
To: unseen1
I’m glad to see your arrogance is on full display
posted on
03/04/2011 6:22:28 PM PST
To: Pure Country
I’m talking about the fat boy remark
posted on
03/04/2011 6:23:45 PM PST
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
Amen. We need Governors, Presidents, and congress critters who will do what is right regardless of the situation. Cut excessive spending. PERIOD.
Cristy, go to hell. I won’t vote for you even if you are running solely against Barak the Muslim Usper Obama.
I will take my name off the roles so I don’t have to be burdened with Jury Duty. Screw you. I like you as governor, but not hell no as governor.
I won’t by your crap that you are “drafted” into running. Do your job. PERIOD!
posted on
03/04/2011 6:23:53 PM PST
(Obama and the left are making a mockery of our country.)
To: Bigtigermike
The same Tea Party people who want to cut government spending but think entitlements are off the table?
posted on
03/04/2011 6:24:33 PM PST
(Thug showing at a White House near you....)
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
Lol, and Palin’s already in shape and thin. A head start in every way.
posted on
03/04/2011 6:25:46 PM PST
(What exactly is a CDO??)
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
She has a point, a very good point.
This ties in with Paul Johnson's praising her courage, and saying that courage is the most important virtue for a politician to possess.
Thatcher had it. Reagan had it. Palin has it.
To: Virginia Ridgerunner
It’s just amazing how otherwise reasonably intelligent people try to take on Palin. She’s always severfal steps ahead of them and has the creds to boot.
He appears to have been an effecgtive federal prosecdutor. But, compared to Palin, has no governing track record. Looked good on reining in unions, but the Wisconsin governor has stollen his show. The Wis. governor is going after the root of the union problem while Christie is nibbling at the edges.
Other than his avowed anti-union stance and, perhaps, supporting a strong nstional defense he is a typical NJ pol—socially liberal.
To: bjcoop
Christie is much better than ANY Democrat. I try to save my venom for leftists. He is silly on the Islamic issue, for sure. Bob
posted on
03/04/2011 6:29:23 PM PST
("He's only come to bring another perfect dream." Al Stewart from "Shah of Shahs")
To: bjcoop
Christy is a lying sack of crap. He want’s to be “drafted” into the presidential run. I won’t vote for him. PERIOD.
If, he has future national aspirations, he needs to currently state, “I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected.” - General William Tecumseh Sherman
Otherwise, he is a POS.
posted on
03/04/2011 6:29:26 PM PST
(Obama and the left are making a mockery of our country.)
To: PjhCPA
took the fat man to the woodshed....
posted on
03/04/2011 6:29:33 PM PST
To: Aria
BORs mouth was literally hanging open. Cool. I have something to look forward to at 11PM EST.
To: alstewartfan
posted on
03/04/2011 6:30:19 PM PST
(Obama and the left are making a mockery of our country.)
To: Celtic Cross
oh I don’t know...because the RInos made him the point man to take her on maybe?
posted on
03/04/2011 6:30:50 PM PST
To: St_Thomas_Aquinas
Mike Savage just praised her to the hilt tonight as well. Bob
posted on
03/04/2011 6:31:52 PM PST
("He's only come to bring another perfect dream." Al Stewart from "Shah of Shahs")
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