To: bjcoop; chicagolady
Here's the truth about the so-called "Conservative" Christie, the truth the Main-Stream media, and even conservative journalists/organizations are not printing:
- Chris Christie's budget passed only after three conservative Republicans were bullied into voting for it and the savings achieved in the budget were done at the expense of new taxes, new fees, federal Stimulus funds and accounting gimmicks; the 2% property tax cap will actually cause taxes to skyrocket; he has yet to propose the across the board tax cuts he promised as a candidate; the budget actually INCREASES state expenditures by 6% and the number of staff in the Governors office making $100,000 per year increases by ten;
- Chris Christie's confrontation with the unions is pure Kabuki theater with nothing accomplished but acrimony; he has yet to lay off a single state employee and his proposed 2011 state worker reduction plan is little more than window dressing;
- Chris Christie has populated his cabinet with notorious liberals while firing the only true conservative - after slandering him;
- Chris Christie has endorsed notorious RINO candidates in the 2010 mid-term election while avoiding (with one notable exception) contact with conservative candidates;
- Chris Christie supports a multi-state Cap & Trade scheme known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and is so committed to Cap & Trade that he used funds raised from RGGIs carbon auctions to help balance the budget; he has directed that state funds be appropriated to subsidize green technology ventures such as off-shore windmills;
- Chris Christie has refused to join other state attorneys-general in a joint lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare while accepting federal funds for the implementation of a similar program on a statewide level;
- Chris Christie is on record saying that he does not believe illegal aliens are here illegally; he has indicated that he supports amnesty for illegals; he generally favors strict gun control and he supports construction of the Ground Zero Mosque even as he condemns those who oppose it.
To: SoConPubbie
SO YER sayin we shouln’t go ‘obama’ about this portly feller? that he may in fact be a rino....
looks like yer right s/c/p
114 posted on
03/04/2011 7:55:31 PM PST by
To: SoConPubbie
Excellent post.
Chris-mania has gotten a little out of hand. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good governor - - for liberal toilet New Jersey. But as you noted in your post, there is way, way too much baggage for him to be taken seriously on a national stage.
To: SoConPubbie
Here's the truth about the so-called "Conservative" Christie, the truth the Main-Stream media, and even conservative journalists/organizations are not printing: ...
Nice summary. Thanks for posting all the links.
213 posted on
03/05/2011 5:27:11 AM PST by
(He who pays the piper . . .)
To: SoConPubbie
Chris Christie is on record saying that he does not believe illegal aliens are here illegally; he has indicated that he supports amnesty for illegals; he generally favors strict gun control and he supports construction of the Ground Zero Mosque even as he condemns those who oppose it. Keep reminding those who are easily swayed by the new kid in town.
218 posted on
03/05/2011 5:36:35 AM PST by
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