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To: grey_whiskers
FOX News Poll (February 7-9, 2011)

Question 3: I am going to read you a list of names. Tell me if you think that person would make a good President or not.

Sarah Palin:

.................YES.........NO..........DK.....Never heard of


Dem ...........7%........87%........5%.......1%

Rep ...........40%.......56%.......3%.......1%

Ind ...........25%........69%.......3%.......1%


They're wrong, as usual. So are you. Wait until she starts campaigning: she'll blow everyone else out of the water. Cheers! ..... grey_whiskers


Where did I hear that before?

Oh, yes, now I remember. I heard that from the Sarah Palin Adoration Society during the Christine O'Donnell fiasco last Fall before Christine O'Donnell got blown out of the water by a 56.6% to 40% margin thereby handing over a critical Senate seat to the Obama forces.

Sarah Palin: I Gave Christine O’Donnell’s Campaign ‘The Old College Try’

In poll after poll after poll, even in polls conducted by conservative FOX News, Sarah Palin's Unfavoralbe ratings are in the stratosphere but her hard core worshipers still believe that they are right and 70% plus of all American voters are wrong.

"There are none so blind as those who refuse to see."

If hard core Sarah Palin worshipers are given consistent polling data, far, far outside the margin of error, even from a conservative source like FOX News, the Sarah Palin worshiper will ignore the data and cling, like a child, to a fantasy.

"The Great Pumpkin will come to the pumpkin patch next year, Charlie Brown. You'll see. The Great Pumkin really exists."

We are in dangerous times, Barack Hussein Obama needs to be defeated in the 2012 election and the Sarah Palin Adoration Society needs to grow up.

In the past two months, Sarah Palin's Unfavorable ratings have climbed simply because of the fact that she HAS opened her mouth outside of the safe cocoon of highly paid speeches to her own adoring and unquestioning fans.

Sarah Palin will never convince the majority of American voters to put her in the Oval Office. When it comes to having a firm grasp on geopolitical issues, Sarah Palin is even more of an empty suit than Barack Obama is. Yes, Barack Obama invariably gets the geopolitical answers all wrong but, at least, you do not have to explain the question to Obama.

"Palin couldn't explain why North Korea and South Korea were separate nations. ..... Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team: 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff'."

You claim to have gray whiskers but that does not mean you are much older than 40. If you have had your gray whiskers for a long while, you will remember when a true conservative could discuss, at length, how FDR's handling of the Yalta Conference set the table for America's post war conflicts.

By contrast, Sarah Palin, back in 2008, did not have a clue what the preceding sentence means.

Back in 2008, the average poster on Free Republic could discuss, at length, the military situation on the ground in Iraq and discuss the Sunni militias, the Shiite al Sadr militias and who the latest al Qaeda in Iraq leader was and which one has been turned into a Crispy Critter by a Hellfire missile the month before.

Not Sarah Plain.

" ..... Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team: 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff'."

In the summer of 2008, even with her own son going to Iraq, Sarah Palin simply had not, in her own words, "paid ... attention to this stuff".

Yes, Sarah Palin is cute and conservative but that simply is not enough to qualify somebody to be a good conservative President.

A good conservative President actually "paid ... attention to this stuff".

From 1975 to 1979 Ronald Reagan gave more than 1,000 daily radio broadcasts, the great majority of which he wrote himself. .... These addresses .... revise our understanding of the late 1970s - a time when Reagan held no political office, but was nonetheless mapping out a strategy to transform the economy, end the Cold War, and create a vision of America that would propel him to the presidency. These radio programs demonstrate that Reagan had carefully considered nearly every issue he would face as president.

Barack Hussein Obama needs to be defeated in the 2012 election. America's future survival in the 21st Century may well depend on it. The stakes are far too high to engage in the irrational and uncritical adoration of a politician that is undeniably cute and undeniably conservative but is abysmally uninformed about History and geopolitics in comparison to the average regular poster on Free Republic.

67 posted on 03/01/2011 8:09:46 AM PST by Polybius
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To: Polybius

Pure leftist propaganda.

68 posted on 03/01/2011 11:57:29 AM PST by Godebert
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To: Polybius
Had to do some shopping; and tomorrow is the state high school hockey tournament.

I'll try to squeeze in a reply Thursday.


69 posted on 03/01/2011 9:36:51 PM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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To: Polybius
Finally got a chance to get back to you...too much going on at home.

Let's start at the top.

Your *own* link to the Fox News poll shows the internals.

Democrats=389 respondents, Republicans=354 respondents, independent=147 respondents.

So right there the numbers are skewed.

Secondly, the landline/cell phone mix was decided according to the relative proportion of landline / cell phones in each state: but breakdown by state was not given.

The political "activism" of those sampled is suspect, too: 37% had never even heard of Chris Christie? 45% had never heard of Tim Pawlenty? 42% never heard of Haley Barbour?

This sounds like the Union Thug / American Idle crowd writ large.

Not the best sample this far out from an election.

For the Christine O'Donnell "the old college try" -- as usual, Palin gets misquoted. Here is what she actually said:

"When given a choice why in the world would I have supported the Liberal, the rhino, the pro Cap ‘n Tax, wishy washy on Obamacare [Mike Castle]. If given the choice of course I am going to support the conservative in that. And who was going to guarantee that Castle was going to win anyway…it’s a blue state. So given the choice, yeah, give it the old college try and allow the conservative in the race to have the message, the voice heard, and that’s what my endorsement allowed a little bit of a boost at least to allow some people to pay attention to what she was saying. "

She did it to get the conservative message out. And in case you forgot, Delaware is Biden's home state, not a red state, nor even purple.

Incidentally, you might recall: this is consistent with Palin's *actions*, in which she endorsed O'Donnell over Mike Castle FOR THE PRIMARY -- according to that arch-conservative publication, Slate.

In poll after poll after poll, even in polls conducted by conservative FOX News, Sarah Palin's Unfavoralbe ratings are in the stratosphere but her hard core worshipers still believe that they are right and 70% plus of all American voters are wrong.

As shown above, you need to look at the internals of the polls. And polls are notoriously fickle -- as for example when Carter led Reagan by six points (48% to 42%) less than a month before the election.

If hard core Sarah Palin worshipers are given consistent polling data, far, far outside the margin of error, even from a conservative source like FOX News, the Sarah Palin worshiper will ignore the data and cling, like a child, to a fantasy.

You're projecting, child.

Those who support Palin's candidacy are not "worshippers" -- instead, they are those who are sick of the insular Washington mindset, neglecting alike the best interests of the country AND of the taxpayers; and sick as well of overproduced, overly-smooth talking heads mouthing platitudes which are designed to appeal to a focus-grouped slice of the electorate in the middle, but without reference to actively addressing the nation's problems.

And do you know the difference between "margin of error" (statistical measure of variance) and "systematic error" (design or methodological problems)?

Finally, of course, Fox news is not "conservative" -- it is mildly center-left, as adjudged by the commentary and by the choices of sound bytes and politicians it chooses to allow to be quoted at the top of the hour newscasts. It only looks "conservative" by comparison to out-and-out Marxist networks such as MSNBC.

We are in dangerous times, Barack Hussein Obama needs to be defeated in the 2012 election and the Sarah Palin Adoration Society needs to grow up.

If the economy continues on its present course, or foreign affairs continue to deteriorate (both likely given Teh One'sTM stated goal to radically transform the United States of America, then the Great Pumpkin *could* beat him handily.

Those who approve of Palin do it because they have grown up: they realize that a President needs balls (which Palin has and Obama is lacking) and to be patriotic (which Palin has in spades, notice the rapport she has with the military every time she visits a military base). Oh, and the humility to choose advisors who are not merely Chicago machine/Maoist operatives.

Not to mention expertise in the energy sector.

In the past two months, Sarah Palin's Unfavorable ratings have climbed simply because of the fact that she HAS opened her mouth outside of the safe cocoon of highly paid speeches to her own adoring and unquestioning fans.

You are lying through your teeth. Sarah's ratings have fallen because of a pre-planned full court press by the Obama-ites (coinciding with a PR campaign against Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox News, and the Koch brothers). As evidenced by the fact that the Pima County Sheriff (who should have been responsible for keeping Jared Loughner from getting a gun, based on prior reports to his office and Loughner's being thrown out of community college) -- started trashing Palin by name within mere hours of the shooting: and as bolstered by the violent rhetoric and actions of the left since the made-up "civility" furor left the front-page news.

Sarah Palin will never convince the majority of American voters to put her in the Oval Office. When it comes to having a firm grasp on geopolitical issues, Sarah Palin is even more of an empty suit than Barack Obama is. Yes, Barack Obama invariably gets the geopolitical answers all wrong but, at least, you do not have to explain the question to Obama.

That's because Obaama is a Muslim sympathizer (at least) who prefers golf to acting as the leader of the free world.

Notice his bold, informed, incisive response to Egypt and Libya.

"Palin couldn't explain why North Korea and South Korea were separate nations. ..... Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team: 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff'."

You're linking to a year-old article from The Sunday Times which is quoting Steve Schmidt (!!!) who is already known as a Romney-inspired saboteur within her campaign.

You claim to have gray whiskers but that does not mean you are much older than 40. If you have had your gray whiskers for a long while, you will remember when a true conservative could discuss, at length, how FDR's handling of the Yalta Conference set the table for America's post war conflicts. By contrast, Sarah Palin, back in 2008, did not have a clue what the preceding sentence means.

Just slander. I'll take it as you projecting your own ignorance and low IQ onto your disputants.

Because Sarah Palin knows enough not to appoint advisors who hang Chairman Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree.

And there are many FReepers who seem to approve of "free trade" with China, neglecting the articles which have appeared even in the New York Slimes detailing how the Chicoms under Mao encouraged cannibalism and forced blood relatives of political murder victims to sleep in the same bed as the dismembered heads of their murdered relatives.

But Sarah doesn't need to be au courant with the latest trends among the intelligentsia to know to put America's interests first.

As opposed to Obaama, who was photographed during the campaign carrying a book entitled "The Post American World." Quite a photo-op / signal to fellow-travelers, eh?

Back in 2008, the average poster on Free Republic could discuss, at length, the military situation on the ground in Iraq and discuss the Sunni militias, the Shiite al Sadr militias and who the latest al Qaeda in Iraq leader was and which one has been turned into a Crispy Critter by a Hellfire missile the month before. Not Sarah Plain.

Yeah, she was acting as Governor of a State. That's why Presidents have a Cabinet and advisors: and as I recall she turned to John Bolton to advise her on foreign affairs.

" ..... Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team: 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff'." In the summer of 2008, even with her own son going to Iraq, Sarah Palin simply had not, in her own words, "paid ... attention to this stuff".

Look, you're quoting from the same hit piece again: and about material which is now almost THREE years old.

Funny you don't share the same enthusiasm about digging into Obaama's past.

From 1975 to 1979 Ronald Reagan gave more than 1,000 daily radio broadcasts, the great majority of which he wrote himself. .... These addresses .... revise our understanding of the late 1970s - a time when Reagan held no political office, but was nonetheless mapping out a strategy to transform the economy, end the Cold War, and create a vision of America that would propel him to the presidency. These radio programs demonstrate that Reagan had carefully considered nearly every issue he would face as president.

So by that desideratum, I guess Palin's invited speeches in Long Island or at the Reagan 100th birthday commemoration (where she knocked the ball out of the park, I watched both on video), or on Fox News, or her editorials in the Wall Street Journal, or her New York Times bestseller, or her invited trip to India, just don't count.

If you want to defeat Obama, go after HIM for being an empty suit: Palin doesn't use a teleprompter to speak to elementary school children.

The "amiable dunce" attack has been used time after time after time after time: including against Reagan, who was as informed as ANY FReeper; against Quayle, whom history has justified over both the presence of extraterrestrial water and the Murphy Brown flap; over George Bush '41 and '43, both of whom attended Ivy League schools; and now against Palin.

But wait, I thought we had had enough of elitists, and wanted a candidate "of the common stock".

Like Palin.

Someone who didn't climb to where she was by her husband's accomplishments, as Hillary did.

Like Palin.

Someone who puts America first, who will not back down in the face of personal insults.

Like Palin.

Barack Hussein Obama needs to be defeated in the 2012 election. America's future survival in the 21st Century may well depend on it. The stakes are far too high to engage in the irrational and uncritical adoration of a politician that is undeniably cute and undeniably conservative but is abysmally uninformed about History and geopolitics in comparison to the average regular poster on Free Republic.

I disagree. We need a patriot with balls.

Someone who has run a small business, who understands what it is to pay taxes, someone who has a grasp of the economy, of taxes, of the energy sector.

Like Palin.

Geopolitical expertise can come from advisors.

And Palin has the humility (not having gone to Harvard) to rely on advisors, rather than her own narcissistic ego based on being coddled as a member of a preferred victims' class, as was the case with Obaama.

Oh, and someone who will choose Construtionists to occupy the Supreme Court.

Oh, and a Christian.

Try reading Going Rogue and America by Heart : and compare them to Mein Kampf Dreams From My Father.

Palin wins, hands down.

Karl Rove and the RINO operatives will lose. And if Palin chooses wisely (and in doing so, out-does Reagan, who picked an Establishment globalist as his VP), America will truly stand the chance to be restored to greatness.


70 posted on 03/08/2011 8:17:10 PM PST by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
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