Federal Judge John Roll is the only judge in the Ninth Circuit Obama would have had to worry about possibly giving a correct ruling on the constitutionality of AZ’s eligibility bill if it was enacted.
Abercrombie started his rampage against “birthers” around Christmas time because he wanted the issue settled before the upcoming state eligibility bills caused a problem for Obama. The only 2 states that for sure were going to have eligibility bills introduced in 2011 were Texas and Arizona.
After the Tucson shooting where Gabrielle Giffords was the claimed target for assassination by a young man very familiar with mind control techniques, Giffords is (thankfully) doing well and should be fine. Judge John Roll, on the other hand, was hit by a shot to the aorta and bled to death within 7 seconds.
Whether accurate or fake, Ulsterman’s “White House Insider” told Ulsterman to drop the eligibility issue because Obama’s people are very worried about it and this is not small-town cop type stuff but the big guns. I believe the quote was, “God help us all.”
Not saying anything in particular, just taking note of a few facts.
There are no “mind control techniques”. There’s just inter-human communication. Each sane person is wholly responsible for his or her own mind. The shooter was insane. His fascination with “mind control technique” could likely have arisen from a schizophrenic’s natural desire to gain back some control of his own mind.
We each influence those around us, each one of actions does so. But influence is not control. We control our cars, our video remotes, we even control animals with some effort and training. (Although mules and cats are difficult, even though they are considered domesticated.)
And sometimes we can have a great influence on others, and most often we are not even aware doing so. But influence is not control.