No, 10% is being a cheapskate. Remember that tip gets split up, cuts go to the kitchen staff and even busboys. All of whom work long days all on their feet, and the get stuck dealing with some of the worst behavior people have to offer (add booze to a person that’s already a jerk and nothing good happens). Food service is one of the hardest lines of work there is that doesn’t involve getting shot at, and it’s not made any easier by people that think 10% is anything other than cheap. Hope you don’t frequent anyplace, they’ll remember you. I frequent places, I tip well, having them remember me is a good thing.
“I tip well, having them remember me is a good thing”.
Ya, they won’t spit in your food when they know they shook you down and turned you into a lavish tipper...
Seriously, do you know how ridiculous your justification for a large tip sounds?
Want a tip? GO TO COLLEGE AND GET A GOOD JOB and leave the waitressing to kids & students. Sheese.....
I mean COME ONE! It’s WAITING ON TABLES! There is NOTHING wrong with 10% PERIOD!