Next, consider the single thing that mostly links our society together. Education. K-12 public schools. Exclude home-schoolers and private school (to a degree) and we're mostly all products of the public schools. 25 years ago, under no circumstances could I remotely imagine a set of circumstances whereby local law enforcement and or state level national guard troops would ever willingly contravene the US Constitution and by force of arms confiscate the lawfully owned firearms of citizens. Then, along came Hurricane Katrina.
I've been a "big city" public school teacher for 21+ years; 15 of those deep in the inner city. What have I seen demonstrated across the curriculum in lock step and duplicated in every state? A universal and visceral hatred towards firearms and those who own them. Particularly toward those who could be considered "avid" enthusiasts. What political demographic controls the school systems? Liberal. They just sort of snuck in there unseen in the late 1950s and early 1960s. They festered and so did their ideology.
Now they not only control the classrooms, they control the curriculums and they control (largely) the administrative positions from the school level (principals and their assistants) all the way up to the school boards and even the State Departments of Education.
Now bring all of that full circle, back to that jury box that decides which "shoots" are valid or not. Now picture an antigun prosecutor with higher office in mind. Do you really want to be his test case over the money you'll "save" or the quality you'll "insure" by using ammunition you loaded yourself in a real self defense situation? Not me! Paranoid? You BET!