I doubt they would even think about the name. Even with the name of Stanley Ann, I dont think a person would remember that necessarily.
Nor the name barak hussein obama... a common moniker in 1961, I am sure. Musta been a thousand of ‘em born that year...
I don’t recall the names of any of the patients I delivered, either.
Have you read some of the Hawaii names? I’m not the right person to ask, but I think my initial response to Barack Hussein Obama would be, “Thank God! A name I can pronounce!” lol
Or maybe they are like me when I read arab names. “Another Hussein somebody-or-other.” Like how the readers at church stumble over the names and places in the Old Testament when they read. A friend of mine just says “That Place” when she gets to a place she doesn’t know how to pronounce, or “That Guy” for a name. lol. I know it’s not the way it’s supposed to be but that’s how the human mind operates sometimes.
Somebody told me that people don’t really look to see what time it is. They look to see how much time they have before a deadline. And I’ve found that’s how I operate. I’ll look at the clock and I’ll say, “I have fifteen minutes to get this done”. Half a second later somebody will ask me what time it is and I usually don’t know. It’s a different way of processing information.
I don’t know. Different people are different. Maybe there are doctors who would notice it greatly and others who wouldn’t. I’ve gone back and looked at letters I wrote when I was younger and didn’t mail, and there’s stuff in there that really caught my eye then but it never made it into my long-term memory. Really struck me as something, but time faded even that.
So I’m not gonna say anybody is crazy if they think a doctor would remember, and I’m not going to say anybody is crazy if they think the doctor wouldn’t. I doubt that I would remember something like that. That’s about all I can say. (After a long post’s worth of saying more than that. lol. Sorry)