Why not just post it here?
Let’s concede for a second that it may not be a conspiracy. In that case, what reasonable assumption is to be made other than these folks all came to the conclusion, INDEPENDENTLY, that Islamic doctrine requires this behavior of them. That says loads about Islam.
The “religion of peace” purveyors cannot have it both ways!
First of all, they never include the murderer at the recruiting office in Arkansas.
Second, I have been thinking about the cancer of terrorism. It seems like the ideology of Jihad has gotten into the lymph nodes of the world, or the doctor has removed the tumor, but there are little cells migrating around.
Better yet, the poison that caused the tumor, is still being ingested. Only some of the people who ingest the poison react this way, but there is no telling who they are.
Those making the poison can be addicted to it, sell it, and/or just use it to create more addicts and stay in business.
We are losing the war on drugs, so how can we expect to win the war on terror?
Are there any towns that are totally drug free?
Why not just post the whole content sometime? :)
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article about the Muslim on-line magazine INSPIRE. I looked it up. One of the articles was on how to construct a pipe bomb using household materials. The whole point of the magazine is to instruct Muslims on how to carry out "sudden jihad syndrome" without being part of a formal conspiracy. They don't need a message from Osama bin Laden. The Koran tells them what to do, and INSPIRE tells them how.