LOL! Photoshop the phrase "This space for rent" over the area in question.
; )
You know, I'm not really angry at anyone or anything about this. I'm trying to see the lessons in this and I had prayed that God would allow me to show others His love thru this situation and I admit I have had a odd kind of joy now thru all this so far. The pinheads do annoy me, but I try to tell myself they can't help it, they're just stupid. LOL. At times I wonder if it's worth the energy to go off on 'em or to try and set them straight with facts, but I think they're kinda like hard core Obama voters-you can't change their minds or help them, they have to come to the realization on their own...if ever. : )
I prefer to save my energy for something useful and leave the “idiots” alone — they know who they are.
Most of the time it works.