“When we did the Get Out of Cheney’s House protests we had thousands of newbies join us for weeks without incident or bad press.”
Ok, I found this funny...because I’m pretty politically aware...and I never heard of it. I had to Google and it only has a couple of hits on Google. So...maybe it’s more a situation of no press, rather than bad press.
The tea parties are huge. There’s no doubt it’s a behemoth idea rolling across the USA. It would be bad if someone sucked all the fun out of it, but I don’t think that THAT is what Beck is suggesting.
I think he’s just saying that SOME are not being decorous...and there should be a little bit of decorum and dignity.
And spell your signs correctly. Please.
Isn’t it interesting (and troubling)how just the prospect that the MSM or Demorats may think tea partiers are uneducated yahoos has so many people scrambling to make sure the rank and file throw down their signs and wear “serious” clothing. Get a grip people...don’t let them set the tone.
There's a good C-SPAN video of one afternoon of the protests. We were also featured in newspapers, even the front page, wearing costumes and carrying signs!