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To: BuckeyeTexan

Given that Obama’s birth certificate is amended the State of Hawaii cannot say where Obama was born. They can only say what the BC CLAIMS about his birth - which is exactly what Fukino said.

The legal definition of “verify”, from , is “To make certain, to substantiate, or to confirm by formal oath, affirmation, or Affidavit”

Fukino is not verifying anything, nor does she say she verified anything. She says the vital records (plural) verify. And they could be as wrong as sin and still “verify” according to the legal definition. All Fukino is saying is that they have a sworn statement somewhere claiming that Obama was born in Hawaii.

They could have a DOZEN sworn statements and that amended BC still doesn’t mean a thing legally unless and until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and THAT BODY verifies - signs their name in testimony to the truthfulness of - the probative value of the amended birth certificate.

You’re reading this as if Fukino herself was VERIFYING (swearing to the truthfulness of) Obama’s alleged Hawaii birth. Read it carefully. She says the RECORDS verify - not that she verifies, or that the State of Hawaii verifies. All her statement means is that they have sworn statements claiming Obama was born in Hawaii.

If those statements had been made in proper time then the State of Hawaii would vouch for the truthfulness of the claims by calling them prima facie evidence. Because they weren’t made in proper time, the State of Hawaii can only acknowledge, without comment, that the sworn claims exist. For Fukino to say anything more than that would be a violation of HRS 338-17.

Consider, for instance, the difference if she had said, “I have seen the original vital records and verify that Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural born citizen.”

Totally different statement, yet that is what people think that she said.

290 posted on 09/10/2010 6:13:57 PM PDT by butterdezillion (.)
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To: butterdezillion
You’re reading this as if Fukino herself was VERIFYING (swearing to the truthfulness of) Obama's alleged Hawaii birth.

No, I'm not. I read it the same way you did. I said:

Fukino says the original records themselves verify that Obama was born in Hawaii.

You've said that you're not a lawyer and that you don't understand legal terminology. I think you're way over-reaching on the definition of "verify." You've chosen to focus on the definition that means affirmation and are completely disregarding the definition that means substantiate. And in doing so, you've created your own facts.

And they could be as wrong as sin and still “verify” according to the legal definition.

That's incorrect. When a record verifies a fact, the record itself is testimony of that fact. Every year our kids' schools have residency verification. We're asked to bring a utility bill to verify our address. Legally, that utility bill verifies where we live.

They could have a DOZEN sworn statements and that amended BC stil doesn’t mean a thing legally unless and until it is presented as evidence to a judicial or administrative person or body and THAT BODY verifies - signs their name in testimony to the truthfulness of - the probative value of the amended birth certificate.

The Registrar who issued Obama's COLB is the "administrative person" who verified the data on Obama's birth records when he/she assigned a certificate number to it. The state of Hawaii would not issue a certified COLB that has unconfirmed data on it. Again, you're speculating that Obama has an amended BC, but Okubo said there were no amended records in the birth index for Obama.

295 posted on 09/10/2010 6:50:27 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan (There are those that break and bend. I'm the other kind.)
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