Yep, I’m awae of that ruling. I believe it was in error and would not be upheld by SCOTUS were they to hear it, which isn’t going to happen.
I hadn’t thought about a resignation. That’d be spectacular. If only ...
The pressure we can bring to bear on this issue - especially if calls of impeachment become more common - could convince the dems they need Obama to fall on his sword. If the dems think that their own responsibility for what has happened could just go away if Obama went away, they might think it the better option than losing everything.
As far as I’m concerned, there is no way I want to let them get away with dumping Obama and thinking they’re done with the issue. They need to dump Obama ASAP. But even doing that should not allow them to escape justice. I want my country back - with government, media, and law enforcement foundations intact and freed from the corruption that got us into this mess in the first place.
Yep, Im awae of that ruling. I believe it was in error and would not be upheld by SCOTUS were they to hear it, which isnt going to happen.
I hadnt thought about a resignation. Thatd be spectacular. If only ...
The more I think about it the more possible I think resignation is. If Obama's eligibility issue ever has to be completely explored (in response to a court-ordered subpoena to the HDOH for the elusive long form birth certificate to get on the 2012 ballot for example) and Obama is exposed as the complete and utter fraud we think he is, he's going to take a whole lot of people down with him. Think of the people of all political persuasions who have aided and abetted and enabled this deception. Much better for Obama to quietly resign for health reasons and try to make eligibility a moot point.
Rush even pointed out in his show today how weak and inarticulate Obama sounded at the press conference today. If Obama were a Republican, the media would be questioning his cognitive abilities.