I will be honest, I stumbled on how to do it by accident.
This is how it works, you highlight the text including the links that you wish to post on FR. Then, while it is highlighted, you RIGHT click on it which will open up a drop down list. On that list somewhere, depending on what browser you use, you will see an option to “View selection source”. Choosing that option will open up a second browser window with a bunch of computer language which is also highlighted. You then right click on that already highlighted computer code, and hit COPY.
Then you can come back to FR and in the “Your Reply” window or the posting window, just hit paste.
It is a good idea at that point to hit the preview window to check that you got what you wanted. This is how I do it. Otherwise you can spend HOURS formatting text and inserting links and blah blah bla.
Try it once or twice and then just never go past the preview stage, you will be able to see how it would appear once posted live. Hope this helps! If you have more questions, just Private message me and I will help all I can!
I’ve certainly spent hours of blah, blah, blah because of the formatting at Wordpress. lol. Not sure why it double-spaces everything, but it makes it hard to read IMHO. So then I have to go take out the double spaces.
Somebody did post how to do that once before and I tried it. I think my problem may have been that I was trying to copy a PDF. I couldn’t get the drop-down box to give my the options I needed. I’ll have to experiment with it and see what I can do.
I would never have guessed that was what your tagline meant. Thanks for the translation. So what I thought I understood (anal) actually means something more like “dragon breath”. My younger brother’s pet name for me when he teased me. I think Freud must be chasing me with a vengeance this morning. lol.