Wow! Lots of slice and dice going on here.
Like fighting over who’s going to answer the door when the enemy is at the gate.
Sarah Palin is not perfect. She has demonstrated the fortitude to take it to the opposition when most male conservatives have abdominally withdrawn their cahones.
Fault her if you will (not you Windflier); if she is God’s annointed it’s an uphill battle.
And that courage in the face of daunting adversity is what the PDS afflicted fail to see in Sarah. She takes point and moves our side across the field, while our elder "statesmen" cower behind her skirts for cover.
Yet that seems to escape the notice of those on our side who irrationally hate her. All I can say is that they're shortsighted and of low awareness.
Such people will only belatedly realize what short shrift they've given to Sarah after she's moved the whole geo-political chessboard in favor of the American people.
Most accurate statement of the century...LOL!