Well there’s a real headline I read a little while ago, how in NJ someone’s suing a bar because they sold them alcohol which resulted in a DUI (something like that, I only skimmed it). When you read that kinda thing every day, you’re absolutely right.
Texas has had a dram shop law which makes it a crime to sell to a drunk and be responsible for damages caused by said drunk.
barbra ann
OK America needs electric cars—most of the time we don’t drive more than 40 miles a day. BUT WHATS WITH THE $40,000 price tag? We should be selling these for $11,000. That’s what they are worth. Why isn’t Obama giving us a good US Motors VW kind of are —a Smart Car for Americans at a good price. Well, that would take leadership—something in short supply these days. No wonder the Auto Industry is bankrupt. Soon we will be driving cars made in Mexico. Get your new 2012 Toro for just $60,000 dollars. Comes with its own fringe balls around the windows.