No government official in Hawaii has ever confirmed that Obama has a long-form birth certificate with his birthplace as Hawaii.
Yeah, but in the minds of most Americans whove even given this issue the time of day
what they remember is the Republican governor verifying that Obama was born in Hawaii, EVEN IF thats not what she said exactly
No government official in Hawaii has ever confirmed that Obama has a long-form birth certificate with his birthplace as Hawaii.
what have they confirmed exactly?
and if there is no long-form, as Mr. Adams suggests, then what can they confirm?
(its true I do not pay attention to this issue 24/7 which is why I have so many questions)
If Media Matters is covering this, you know theyre worried.
Desperation: WND touts birther claim made on pro-white program at white supremacist conference
(Hopefully Mr. Adams will understand now what its like being called a racist and a hater.)
That they will not confirm it.