To: RGirard
The Dem's are using the part of the Constitution where it says something about "Congress is granted authority under Article I, section 8 of the Constitution to pay the debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States. The meaning of this Taxing and Spending Clause provoked controversy as early as 1792. One interpretation is that it gives Congress broad power to legislate in the public interest. Such a view is inconsistent with the concept of a limited constitution, however. A second view, promoted by Alexander Hamilton, suggested that Congress's power to tax and spend for the general welfare was additional to its other powers. A third view, represented by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, argued that the phrase was simply a summary or general description of the specific powers and that it gave Congress no additional power.8"
They're using this to push this healthcare garbage as being Constitutional.
2 posted on
02/27/2010 9:53:36 AM PST by
(If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed)
To: SkyDancer
This man has inhaled too much dung.
3 posted on
02/27/2010 9:55:46 AM PST by
(Are you better off now than one year ago? HELL NO!!!!!)
To: SkyDancer
democrats have a fondness for their “invisible” friends; Gephardt had his billionaire friend who loved taxes; Reid his young friend - kind of creepy when you think about an old perv and his “young” friend - in Lighthouse, NV; Gore his aluminum can collecting retired Teamster friend; now Harkin and his farmer friend.
It’s all, of course, very credible.
9 posted on
02/27/2010 10:20:02 AM PST by
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