Back in 2007 she said that she was interested in the concept of GW, but still questioned man-made GW, she in essence had no clear information at the time.
Fast forward to 2008, John McCain paltform was all about Cap-n-tax, just a little less harsher if one could called that of Obama’s....she was only truly allowed to differ on drilling on ANWAR...we already discussed in the previous post how many VP candidate or even cabinet members have to accept the head honcho’s position even if they disagree with them......BTW if Palin had went off script on those things then the Palin hating staff like Nicole Wallace or Scmdits would have been screaming...
Redding is red neck...they even have Fox News on at the local post office..the line waiting are all nodding their heads and going “uh uh yes”
her response did seem forced:
IFILL: We do need to keep within our two minutes. But I just wanted to ask you, do you support capping carbon emissions?
PALIN: I do. I do.
that’s it. But it is hard to be VP, especially for someone like Mccain.
The lefty posters at SFGate are in hysterics over this.
“She’s stupid” is about the gist of it.
The leftys are going to lose what’s left of their minds in November, 2012 when Palin is elected POTUS