Because courts don't accept documents they haven't asked for, particularly to make a decision on the outcome of a case they haven't yet accepted as appropriate. I gather that you have no actual comprehension of legal processes. But courts don't want and won't accept documents for determining the validity of a posed question before standing is established, a case is established, and they request them.
Asking Obama to do something that the Court won't accept or use as a determination for anything is nonsensical. It's not a valid counterpoint to anything. It may even be, dare I say it, a non sequitur.
Perhaps you should rewatch “My Cousin Vinny” for that lecture the judge gives Joe Pesci during the arraignment.
Dishonesty is what you like in a president. An honest president would without question submit it to a court to put this matter to an end, but Obama is not honest. It's a simple thing to do as submit a birth certificate to a court.
The non-sequitur nonsense what you guys do ...for all to see.