Top 11?
[I predict grave disappointment in DUmmieland.]
I predict that if President Obama does or does not sign a real Public Option for Health Care into law--one that everyone has the option of purchasing that makes healthcare affordable, where every American is covered, he will not be re-elected.
[The Greens and Socialist Workers Parties have their signup booths in the wings.]
Let's break up the dim party into about 12 different groups; gays, pro abort, green, etc.
[He FLOPPED on the economy but let us cross our fingers and hope he gets healthcare right by also tossing money at it.]
Hussein knows about as much as the economy as I do about flying the space shuttle.
For someone who never had a real yob, I'd say he bees in real trouble.
[Tying the Porkopulos anchor to healthcare so both can sink together?]
ONLY a DUmmie could tie healthcare with the economy to make it an important issue.
[Jimmy Obama?]
Comparing Hussein to jimma cattah, tells me the DUmmie base is not happy at all and he will be another one term TOTUS.