1 posted on
05/14/2009 7:57:24 PM PDT by
To: DrGop0821
I’m withholding judgment until I learn more however I’m fairly sure that I’m going to be physically ill or laughing my ass off in the end.
2 posted on
05/14/2009 8:05:29 PM PDT by
Artemis Webb
(Increasingly mulling Newt.)
To: DrGop0821
His son is named Rand? What’s his daughter’s name? Ayn?
9 posted on
05/14/2009 9:36:20 PM PDT by
To: DrGop0821
For all his wackiness on foreign policy, we’d be better off with 435 Ron Pauls in congress than the group we have.
10 posted on
05/14/2009 9:37:46 PM PDT by
To: DrGop0821
If this means one less global-socialist nitwit in the Senate then ‘hooray’!
12 posted on
05/14/2009 11:45:09 PM PDT by
(Can a dead guy get a break around here?)
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