Why are you amazed..With Arlen and Franken...the Dems can count on two or three other RINOs as well, which will let a few of the moderate Dems stray off the reservation on key votes..like Landrieu
I’m amazed because look at what happened when Lieberman didn’t vote in complete Stalinist lock-step in CT, and he was well to the left of Lex Luthor of Scotland there. The moonbat nutroots still has to remember this WAS the candidate of Dubya and Santorum, and for that reason, they can’t fully embrace him as a Democrat.
This same thing even occurred when one Dem in Michigan admitted to me he never trusted Don Riegle as Senator because Riegle served for his first few terms in Congress as a Republican (even though he was essentially a Socialist one) before switching parties. The Dems have far less use for Republicans that switch over to their side than vice-versa. Part of their paranoia.