The country for any number of reasons is very near the edge. Moving us back from that precipice would require very astute political and financial acumen. These were imputed to Team Obama in the campaign, sufficiently to get Obama into an office for which he has absolutely none of the needed skills, knowledge or experience and for which he can't or won't even prove he is eligible.
Since the election he and his team, such as it is, has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate that he actually has any of the skills or leadership ability those who elected him were convinced he had in abundance.
There is no reason to believe that passing of this measure will suddenly give him what he lacks. In fact, this measure is chock full of really damaging measures.
Obama was elected on gobs and gobs of hope and little else. Like my dad used to tell me in my moments of youthful exuberance and hope, “Hope in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first.” He's gone now, but his words still seem to be pretty accurate!
I, for one, have fought this thing with everything I could muster from prayer to contributing scare resources of my fixed retirement income to people like Palin, etc. I plan on taking a well-earned break from the worry and fretting and take a front row seat to what I think will be a very interesting implosion.
“I share your sense of frustration. I think the most important thing we can do right now is make sure that we don’t let our frustration get in the way of the MSM/Liberals as they proceed to destroy themselves.
The country for any number of reasons is very near the edge. Moving us back from that precipice would require very astute political and financial acumen. These were imputed to Team Obama in the campaign, sufficiently to get Obama into an office for which he has absolutely none of the needed skills, knowledge or experience and for which he can’t or won’t even prove he is eligible.
Since the election he and his team, such as it is, has done absolutely nothing to demonstrate that he actually has any of the skills or leadership ability those who elected him were convinced he had in abundance.
There is no reason to believe that passing of this measure will suddenly give him what he lacks. In fact, this measure is chock full of really damaging measures.
Obama was elected on gobs and gobs of hope and little else. Like my dad used to tell me in my moments of youthful exuberance and hope, Hope in one hand, crap in the other and see which one fills up first. He’s gone now, but his words still seem to be pretty accurate!
I, for one, have fought this thing with everything I could muster from prayer to contributing scare resources of my fixed retirement income to people like Palin, etc. I plan on taking a well-earned break from the worry and fretting and take a front row seat to what I think will be a very interesting implosion.”
<<< I see what you are saying and agree with much of it. I guess my concern is that they not only destroy themselves but they destroy us and our children’s future.
I keep thinking about the movie Network when everyone opens their window and says “I’m mad as He** and I’m not going to take it any more!!””