Editorial comment?
My dear wife and I are going out to a late breakfast at our favorite “joint” — and then taking in a matinee. Marlee will be top dog tomorrow, for sure !!! *S*
Interestingly, my brother called from Savannah last evening to chat, and stated that he and his bride were doing the same.
No TV for the next two days, at least. Maybe we will forsake the tube substantially longer -- out of basic self-preservation.
As an aside, I read Fountainhead the first time as a teenager, in the late 40’s. My grandmother and I had many a wonderful conversation over the masterpiece. What a gift to our Republic Ann Rynd’s philosophical dictum has been.
I make a comment in his stead:
My television will be OFF, my radio will be OFF.
I will be reading “John Adams” by David McCollough.