According to your “like should be like” hypothesis a chimpanzee and a gorilla should be more similar in DNA than either is to a human, but that is not the case because a human and a chimp are more similar to each other than either is to a gorilla. Old world and New world vultures should be more similar to each other than either is to hawks or cranes, but they are not.
[[The pattern is consistent with common descent in that highly functional sequences show high conservation between species and sequences of little or no use change at a predictable rate. As such the data is unmistakable for common descent.]]
Lol- then explain the billions of differences in what’s left over EVEN if we were to be generous and state that we’re 95% similar (Some scientists are now admittign it’s not nearly this high, and that previous claims were made with full knowledge that we weren’t as ‘similar’ as they said)
The billions of differences is osmethign that no evolutionist likes to touch, because hte plain fact is that it is htese differences that seperate us, and htey can certainly not be explained in the ‘few million years’ that evos claim the two species diverged. As well, it’s still biologically impossible for htese differences to have occured- and no amount of time would cure that I’m afriad.