You know what, this will be heresy on a conservative forum and from a recent sign-up here.. but there are certain issues, like the global warming hoax, where we just have to accept isn’t going to go our way and eat the $*%*! sandwich.
Once the Dems gave up on trying to ban guns, they started winning back all those traditional Rat Congressional districts lost in 94. Issues like global warming kill us in the ‘burbs.
I hear you, but still. The GW hoax is about massively expanding the power of the federal government over our lives and our economy, and then using that power to repeal most of the industrial revolution. This is not a minor issue. It is the perfect issue on which the GOP, and conservatives generally, should take a principled stand against such an attempted huge power grab.
Like the recent federal bailout, I need to see much more compelling and conclusive proof that a problem actually exists (and that we can actually do anything meaningful about it — a separate but important issue) before I would even begin considering giving the government vast new powers to regulate CO2 emissions. It is a political loser right now only because the GOP, from President Bush on down, has lacked the political courage to tell the real truth about the GW hoax and the people behind it who stand to make millions under the cap and trade scheme that they want to hoist on the rest of us.