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Obama Wins! God Damn America!
American Sentinel ^ | November 4, 2008 | Michael Eden

Posted on 11/04/2008 11:12:37 PM PST by Michael Eden

Well, Democrats have wanted it for some time, and they have convinced enough people to their side that they have their wish: GOD DAMN AMERICA!

The voters apparently asked for it, and they're going to get it.

Bring it on, God! America says you aint got nothin'! We'll keep killing babies in abortion mills. Hell, we'll vote for a president that supports killing babies who've already been born and drawn their first breaths. How dare those little punks selfishly try to survive and force their mommas to "revisit their decision" to kill their babies in the first place. Nothing worse than a kid who doesn't know his or her place - especially when that place is to die. That bother you, God? Tough!

Abortion is killing the Social Security system, but that doesn't mean anything. So what if we've killed off 50,000,000 potential workers, and the ratio of workers to every retiree goes down year by year? We'll just tax those younger workers more! Serve 'em right for being born!

Referring to current worldwide financial crisis, [Dennis] Howard recalled his 1997 report titled, “The Abortion Bomb: America’s Demographic Disaster.” In it he said, “I see little hope that we can avoid an eventual crash on Wall Street that will make the 1930’s look like cashing in your cards after a bad game of Monopoly.”

He also predicted, “It will last longer than the Great Depression, and if it takes a war to get out of it - as happened with World War II - America as we know it may not survive.”

The societal cost of abortion, both economic and moral, has been studied for years, but very little mainstream media attention is given to the findings.

Bring it on, God! We'll figure out a way to keep killing millions upon millions of babies AND build our economy AND provide retirement for every American AND provide socialized medicine for everyone, too! We don't need you OR you God damned sanctity of human life!

When the socialized medicine experiment utterly fails and blows up in our faces, we'll just turn to a policy of forced euthanasia to cut costs. Most of our health care resources are wasted on people who are old and useless. Their contribution to society is behind them. We can kill unwanted seniors just as easily as we can kill unwanted babies, and it'll save us a lot more money, too! The Nazis called it Lebensunwertes Leben - "life unworthy of life" - all that remains is to decide whose life is "worthy" and whose life isn't. So watch out, Grandma and Grandpa! The generation that survived abortion will come after you! Just call it 'poetic justice.'

We can import workers from Mexico. Maybe their loyalty isn't to America. But God damn America, the US of KKK A! And maybe their education and skill level are generally unfit for anything more than manual labor. But liberal elites need their lawns mowed and they need nannies for their kids. And they want it cheap!

Mexican Americans - who overwhelmingly support benefits for the 20 or more million "document-impaired" - voted for Obama 2-1 over McCain. They are going to expect results. And, under a policy of "God damn America," they should get what they want. The damn country aint worth preserving, and being an American doesn't really mean a damn thing anyway (being a citizen of the world sounds ever so much better!), so let 'em come flooding in! We can give them health care! We can give them Social Security! We can educate their kids at our expense! And any claim that this will lead to rationing is just silly! By socializing medicine we can take advantage of government's efficiency. Government has the cost of a toilet seat down to a mere $600. Surely "Efficiency" is Big Government's middle name!

We don't need oil in God damn America. Nobody needs to put gas in their cars as long as they properly inflate their tires. We don't need fossil fuels; windmills. solar cells, and corn ethanol will make up for the 90% of energy that comes from fossil fuels any day now. We don't need our coal industry. And we certainly don't need inexpensive electricity. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says oil and coal and fossil fuels are killing us and ruining the world; House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she's trying to save the planet. If citizens of God damn America have to freeze in the dark to pay for the realization of that dream, well, don't forget that we voted for it.

God damn America is a land of socialism rather than meritocracy. We don't need to earn for ourselves when we can simply vote ourselves money from someone else! Success is something that should be punished, not encouraged! Everyone should be at the same level!

God damn America is a place where it is better to talk with murderous leaders of rogue terrorist regimes than journalists on the Fox News Channel. It is a place where the idea of a unipolar world with a preeminent United States is discarded for a multi-polar world where the United States is reduced to the status of one nation among many. A powerful foreign policy is exchanged with a policy based on comprimise and endless diplomatic negotiation. Winston Churchill was a political symbol of the determination and robust nationalism of the old America; Neville Chamberlain becomes the symbol of comprimise and reliance upon diplomacy rather than strength of God damn America.

The old America was a nation that would eliminate the threat of a rogue nation if it was believed that that nation was producing WMD that could threaten it. And even the Democrats in that America paid lip service to the need to deal with such enemies with strength and with force if necessary (as you can see here and here and here and here). God damn America is a place where those same Democrats who voted for the war cyncally turn on it the moment it was politically expedient for a cynical nation to do so. God damn America is a place where the leader of the Democrat Senate stated "that this war is lost" even as our troops were fighting to secure victory. And benefitted from having done so. God damn America is a place where a candidate for President can oppose the only strategy that could possibly have turned defeat into victory - and win the White House. God damn America is a place where a Congressman like Jack Murtha can call innocent Marines - whose only crime was fighting for their country - murderers and war criminals and STILL win re-election.

The old America was a place that respected our founding fathers and the Constitution they handed down to us. God damn America is a place where the man we elect as President said that those founding fathers had an "enormous blind spot" and that the Constitution "reflected the fundamental flaw of this country." The old America was a place in which founding father Thomas Jefferson said of the Supreme Court:

“This member of the Government was at first considered as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs. But it has proved that the power of declaring what the law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and without alarm the foundations of the Constitution, can do what open force would not dare to attempt.”
God damn America is a place where the man we elected as President said of the Supreme Court:
But the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society. And to that extent as radical as people tried to characterize the Warren court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution.
God damn America is a place where the state becomes God. The state is our savior, able to provide for us, and give us things, and take care of us. In Government we trust! Who even needs God anymore? The evolution we force feed our children in school tells us that the very idea of God is simply a form of brain damage. Rick Santorum tried to argue that we shouldn't just teach our kids that we're only soulless meat puppets, with neither purpose nor meaning nor any kind of ultimate destiny, but Democrats got rid of his nonsense in the 2006 slaughter of conservative values! And we have a new messiah now! We don't need that old Jesus Messiah anymore. God damn America is pluralist; Barack Obama is a much better Messiah for a pluralistic and relativistic society, anyway.

Barack Obama wins! God damn America!

Do your worst, God! Empty and hollow platitudes, and meaningless and vacuous rhetoric aside, we don't give a damn!

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; History; Politics
KEYWORDS: barackobama; democrats; goddamnamerica; policies
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1 posted on 11/04/2008 11:12:37 PM PST by Michael Eden
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To: Michael Eden
The American electorate have selected a candidate that accurately reflects themselves. A candidate who has world class bad judgment...just like the people who elected him. America was a good experiment while it lasted.
2 posted on 11/04/2008 11:14:46 PM PST by highlander_UW (The only difference between the MSM and the DNC is the MSM sells ad space in their propaganda)
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To: Michael Eden

I’ve been wanting to say that all night. Thank you. Obviously, the people in this country have no problem with anyone saying that.

3 posted on 11/04/2008 11:15:33 PM PST by FlingWingFlyer (I'm voting for McCain/Palin so I can look my grandchildren in the eyes when I tell them I'm sorry.)
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To: Michael Eden

Yes, Rev. Wright will get to start congressional sessions of with the prayer, “God damn America!”

4 posted on 11/04/2008 11:16:55 PM PST by conservativeimage (I'm so ronery)
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To: Michael Eden

Check your medication.

5 posted on 11/04/2008 11:18:29 PM PST by dr_who
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To: Michael Eden

About 20 rockets just hit Israel. The news is just breaking. The Muslims are celebrating their Messiahs victory tonight.

6 posted on 11/04/2008 11:18:53 PM PST by concerned about politics ("Get thee behind me, Liberal")
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To: Michael Eden

I’m sure we’ll all unite behind him and show him the due respect for his office that the Democrats have shown towards President Bush.

7 posted on 11/04/2008 11:20:12 PM PST by ducdriver (Quantum potes tantum aude.)
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To: Michael Eden
America, the chickens have come hommmmmmeeee to roost !!!!!
8 posted on 11/04/2008 11:22:46 PM PST by factmart
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To: Michael Eden
Obama Wins! God Damn America!

He may already have done so.

9 posted on 11/04/2008 11:24:50 PM PST by svcw (Great selection of gift baskets:
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To: Michael Eden
Definitely check your meds. I can't believe you posted this bullshit. Nutcase.
10 posted on 11/04/2008 11:25:10 PM PST by TKDietz
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To: Michael Eden

Tell you one thing. Lots of Christian hospitals will either stop taking federal funds or close their doors. Some will take federal funds and do abortions. Many more won’t and will either scale back or close their doors.

11 posted on 11/04/2008 11:26:41 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
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To: concerned about politics

Israel will be destroyed at this time and because of this new president.

12 posted on 11/04/2008 11:26:47 PM PST by television is just wrong
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To: Michael Eden
Some Freeper (sorry - can't find it) posted yesterday something like: “If America elects Obama and we don't get destroyed by Fire and Brimstone, God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology”.

Very true. (And I hope He doesn't!)

13 posted on 11/04/2008 11:26:47 PM PST by 21twelve (Ever Vigilant, Never Fearful)
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To: Michael Eden

Burka’s for every woman!!

Barf, belch!

14 posted on 11/04/2008 11:30:42 PM PST by TruthConquers (Delendae sunt publici scholae)
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To: Michael Eden
Tens of millions of people sold their souls for silver.

But Sarah never did.

Check out this video of her.

The North Star shines bright, even now.


15 posted on 11/04/2008 11:31:09 PM PST by TheFourthMagi
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To: Michael Eden

Go buy a flag and a flagpole, fly the flag upside down.

Signal that America is in distress.

16 posted on 11/04/2008 11:32:07 PM PST by Daniel Ramsey (alpha and omega)
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To: Michael Eden

R.I.P. America

Born - July 4, 1776
Died - November 4, 2008

We had a great run and it was fun while it lasted.

17 posted on 11/04/2008 11:37:11 PM PST by MissouriConservative (I'm MissouriConservative and I approved this message.)
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To: Michael Eden

A masterpiece. Well done.

If it weren’t for Baby Chan, I’d say “bring on the asteroid”.

18 posted on 11/04/2008 11:38:03 PM PST by B-Chan (Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
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To: Michael Eden
Who woulda thunk it.

Infanticide and gutting the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution are big Vote getters.

Add in raising taxes, ruining the Military and hanging around with terrorists and bigots and you have a winning team.

Ignorance is curable while Stupidity is fatal.

19 posted on 11/04/2008 11:39:43 PM PST by Kickass Conservative (Democracy, two wolves and one sheep deciding what's for dinner.)
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To: television is just wrong
Israel will be destroyed at this time and because of this new president.

Maybe they should have campaigned harder.

20 posted on 11/04/2008 11:44:06 PM PST by humblegunner (If you're gonna die, die with your boots on.)
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