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Posted on 08/13/2008 12:00:50 PM PDT by PRePublic

Jimmy Carter the Criminal Liar!

Carter & the Arab (oil) lobby - (Impeach) Lowlife Jimmy Carter's grudge against the Shah for not paying him money... - Carter's responsibility in the tortue of Americans in 1979 by the Mullahs of Iran - Carter FOR Islamofascism - How Carter brought us 9/11 Islamic massacre - Carter's crimes on Millions of Iranians - The Islamic apartheid that created a myth about (against) democratic Israel - His own admission on Israel's great equality, multi racial, multi culture free for all society - Jimmy Carter the Criminal - Carter's Crimes Against Humanity - 'Palestine' equals racism, fascism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing - The Arab 'Palestinians' - a phony self made victim-hood - Carter admits the emptiness of his racist 'Apartheid slur' - How Jimmy Carter himself de-legitimizes his view, ideology and book on the middle east, Palestinian-Israel conflict - Carter's crime of language on South African real victims of Apartheid

Jimmy Carter and the Arab Lobby ... Nor does this exhaust the list of Carter’s backers in the Arab world. Still other supporters include Sultan Qaboos bin ...

HOW ARAB MONEY FUELS DHIMMI CARTER'S HATE, Friday, December 22, 2006. HOW ARAB MONEY FUELS DHIMMI CARTER'S HATE ... jimmy's anti-Semitism is LONG HELD aas are his relationships with "THE ARAB LOBBY! ...

Rôle of President Jimmy Carter Emerging in Illegal Financial Demands on Shah of Iran

- By Alan Peters - Monday, March 15, 2004 Strong intelligence has begun to emerge that US President Jimmy Carter attempted to demand financial favors for his political friends from the Shah of Iran. The rejection of this demand by the Shah could well have led to Pres. Carter’s resolve to remove the Iranian Emperor from office. 1 GIS.

The linkage between the destruction of the Shah’s Government — directly attributable to Carter’s actions — and the Iran-Iraq war which cost millions of dead and injured on both sides, and to the subsequent rise of radical Islamist terrorism makes the new information of considerable significance.

Pres. Carter’s anti-Shah feelings appeared to have ignited after he sent a group of...

The Wages of Appeasement How Jimmy Carter and academic multiculturalists helped bring us Sept. 11.

Jimmy Carter hatred is alive in Iranian L.A. | Community Briefs ...Many also hold Carter responsible for the loss of innocent lives and of the vast fortunes .... Jimmy Carter spills nuclear beans -- will this stop Iran? ...

Jimmy Carter: Wrong mentor... A sobering reminder of just how much Carter is responsible for Iran's now ... Enterprise Institute in his new book, "The Real Jimmy Carter" (Regnery). ...

Jimmy Carter Can Only Blame HimselfMay 25, 2007 ... The aftermath of Jimmy Carter's Iran policy debacle is still present today. The lives lost, as a result of his incompetence in dealing with ...

Carter and the tortue of Americans

Now, I’m against the use of torture, starting with the fact that as Americans, we’re supposed to be better than that. But when a total of three non-Geneva-protected prisoners, in a raging war zone, were threatened with fake drowning for a total of less than a minute, and valuable intelligence was obtained… well, that’s not exactly up there with Jimmy Carter’s abandonment of 52 American hostages to the likes of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 1979.

Jimmy Carter, Unwitting Crusader for Islamofascism  


Not since Neville Chamberlain has the world seen as wreckless an appeaser as Jimmy Carter.

During the Jimmy Carter nightmare in the 70's, Iran took 52 American's hostage for 444 days and had the most powerful nation on Earth on its knees. Not until a real President, Ronald Reagan, came to office did Iran take the US serious enough to release all American Hostages. Since then we have had to live with Iran as a rogue Islamic state thanks to the peanut farmer, turn politician, turn terrorism appeaser. Since Jimmy Carter left office he has shaken hands with every tin horn dictator imaginable.

Recently Carter met with the terrorist group Hamas, and while in the Middle East he paid his respects and laid a wreath at the toomb of the terrorist Yasser Arafat. Israel condemned the move and refused to provide Carter with a security detail. No need for security when Carter was among his best friends. Carter now has offered to be the mouth peace for Hamas to the United States and Israel. Both the US and Israel rightfully declined, reminding him we do not deal with terrorists.

At best Carter is naive allowing himself to used by terrorists for propaganda purposes, at worst he is just another leftist politician that sympathizes with the Palestinians at the expense of Israel.
Whatever his motivation he has become wreckless and dangerous. It seems not much has changed in 30 years.

Carter embraces Hamas official at West Bank meeting

JERUSALEM (AP) — Former President Carter angered Israel's government Tuesday by embracing a Hamas politician during a visit to the West Bank, ignoring Israeli and U.S. designation of the Islamic militants as a terror group. Israel accused Carter, the broker of the first Arab-Israeli peace accord, of "dignifying" extremists. But Carter vowed to meet Hamas' supreme leader this week in Syria.

Carter, a Nobel Peace laureate, also laid a wreath at Yasser Arafat's grave, another break with U.S. policy during a private peace mission to the Middle East that includes stops in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Syria — where the virulently anti-Israel Hamas movement has its headquarters. Carter returns to Israel on Monday.

Carter has been shunned by Israel this week, and the White House has criticized him for his willingness to meet with Hamas leaders. Carter says the U.S. and Israel should stop isolating the group, whose control of the Gaza Strip threatens to undermine Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

Trackbacks and links: Hot Air; Alarming News; Stuck on Stupid;

Carter-ism 101: to submit & enable Islamofascism's domination

Carter-ism, a fanatic suicide to  kiss the devil's ass - that seeks annihilation
The phenomenon that of self hatred, complete submission to the devil.
Ever wondered what drives this twisted minded to be always on the side of the oppressors, on the side of the aggressors, on the side of the attackers, on the side of those seeking and trying to commit genocide?
Whether it's the pressing of the Shah of Iran that led to (one of) the most oppressive regimes, the 'Islamic republic in Tehran' of course, or whether it's supporting the enemies of humanity by the name of Hamas, that are against ANY Non-Muslim entity in the middle east.
The chief enable of Islamofascism, a direct culprit of the bloodshed that the Hezbollah or Hamas fascists have caused those so many victims in Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, and even among the "Palestinian" Arabs, brother against brother.
This disease is catching up in some radical liberal ranks it's usually covered with "fighting for the victims" mask of course, this is exactly how the militant Islamic Hamas oppressors of own people call themselves.
When ultimate cruelty is covered in fake "compassion" cloth, what do you do?
That Carterist superiority feeling of imaginative self conviction that "I am better because I kissed the devil", is not funny ay more.
US Tells Carter Not to Meet Hamas Leader. The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it had advised former President Jimmy Carter against meeting the leader ... 
Ben Smith's Blog - Obama does not agree with President Carter's decision to go forward with this meeting because he does not support negotiations with Hamas until they ... - Rice Criticizes Carter for Reported Meeting Planned ...Rice's comments come a day after a State Department spokesman said Carter's meeting with senior Hamas officials would not be "in the interest of peace." ...,2933,350791,00.html
Hamas terrorists join Jimmy Carter fan club He is open-minded and has a very noble cause to come and meet with all ... Carter told ABC his aim during his Middle East trip is "to promote peace in the ...
--------------- The Real Jimmy Carter: How Our Worst Ex-President The Real Jimmy Carter: How Our Worst Ex-President Undermines American Foreign Policy, Coddles Dictators and Created the Party of Clinton and ...
Jimmy Carter: The Worst Ex-President in History | http://www.vcrisis.comIn In fact, Jimmy Carter holds the hands-down record for being the worst ex-president the United States has ever known. His post-presidential meddling in ...
He is the author of the new book The Real Jimmy Carter: How Our Worst Ex-President Undermines American Foreign Policy, Coddles Dictators and Created the ...

Hamas vows to 'drink' Jewish blood" My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but Allah, we will chase you everywhere! We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there ...
Israel News: Hamas: America will be annihilated
. Please do link to these articles, quote from them ...


Mar 25, 2007 ... Hamas reiterates goal of world domination by Islam - annihilation of Israel -establishment of Caliphate in Jerusalem. March 28, 2007 ... 


The Islamic Apartheid that created a myth on Israel

The very APARTHEID bastion of the world, otherwise known as the ‘Islamic world’, or the totalitarian dictatorships inc. where no one is ever equal there, not women, not one class to the other, not one minority has any decent rights, but persecuted in the regular Arab racism’s supremacy & Islamic apartheid, or Islamo fascism.

In order to divert attention from the real criminals of apartheid in this world [or to disperse their populations' resentment of the oppressive regimes], and much much worse then that [to say the least], they, in their collective hatred & Apartheid motivation against the ‘non Arab’ the ‘non Muslim’ entity AKA Israel, to deny it’s right to exist, have come up with a myth about “apartheid in Israel”, what it actually means is that if democratic & free Israel dares to defend it’s self from a Racist Arab terrorist it is doomed to be branded as an “apartheid” system.

The sad part is of course that some have been bought by Arab oil money like Jimmy Carter, but the world should not let the magic sand cover the Arabian monsters including those “freedom fighters” fascists in Gaza that oppress Christians or those “moderate” ‘Palestinians’ that try to ethnic cleanse all Jews from the land, and so far there’s not one Jewish family under “moderate” fascist ‘palestine’.

Jimmy Carter - infamous worst ex US president that is largely at fault for the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, ultimately resulting in 1) Islamic Republic of Iran's oppression of millions of Persians, and 2) the planet in peril at the hands of that nation's mullahs' nukes.
Jimmy Carter has his hands blooded in every single violent action being perpetrated by that Islamic republic on a daily basis since 1979, including the crimes against humanity like the massacres in the 1980's, the terrible persecution on minorities such as: Kurds, Azeris, Turkomans, Baluchis, Bahai, especially massacring Ahwazi Arabs.
Jimmy Carter that has never found a word of criticism on Arab 'Palestinian' parents, teachers and leaders' constant crimes on their children, in indoctrinating them into the death cult, of suicide, of glorifying mass murderers, pushing them to admire those carrying out genocide bombing, and venomous hatred of non Muslims, especially of Jews.
The book that Jimmy Carter has NOT written, on the real apartheid:
1) The Islamic apartheid worldwide [dhimmitude by any other name], including of "Palestinian" authority that for decades [and still goingon today] has oppressed non Muslims and made sure Arab Christians are dwindled or if possible completely gone from the holy-land.
2) Or the bloody massacres campaign on Arab Christians in Lebanon by the PLO.
3) And about racist 'Judenrein Palestine', no non Arabs allowed to reside, ethnic cleansing! no Jews in any area controlled by Arab 'Palestinians', the blatant Arab racism that makes any term "apartheid" pale by comparison.
But had all the time in the world to take the dirty money of the Arab oil lobby to write an entire book criticizing the only free society, the only equal society (as he admitted himself on this reality) in the middle east - Israel, for daring to fight for self defense against its enemies, the Arab racism & Islamic Jihad's genocide campaign, and even called defense in the style of 'apartheid slur'.
Jimmy Carter that has never found the time of day to criticize the immense human rights violations all over the terrible Arab Muslim oppressive world upon their own population.
Jimmy Carter that has never reached out to the women being treated either as second class or as sheep, in the Islamic world [Islamic gender Apartheid].
Jimmy Carter that will never talk about Arab Muslims' world sickening system of encouraging rape, by blaming the raped victims, and the bloody epidemic of honor killing crimes.
Jimmy Carter that has never uttered a word to speak out against the control over all international organizations by the Saudi Arabian Wahabbi Islamic power.
Jimmy Carter that has never spoken out against the Syrian occupation of Lebanon and its crimes for so long.
Rather he was buddies with the notorious horrific oppressors, the Assad family.
Jimmy Carter that -- as a biased and politically motivated Arabist he is -- just can't act on behalf of the victims of the most atrocious genocide since the Holocaust [where at least 6,000,000 Jews were slaughtered for the only reason of pertaining to a certain origin], the genocide in Sudan, spilling over to Chad too, by Arab racism & Islamic Apartheid.
Because 'pick & choose' Jimmy Carter, the selective talker, is the epidemy of apartheid, not all victims are alike by Jimmy! not if it doesn't fit his Arabist view, Jimmy Carter is one man only motivated by political bias and "glamour", will be reaching out not to the real victims, if it can hurt him in theArab Muslims world, but to those that are precived as "victims" in that particular world.


'Our Worst Ex-President',pubID.25545/pub_detail.asp

Carter admits the emptiness of his racist 'Apartheid slur'.
CARTER: I chose that title knowing that it would be provocative.
(COSTELLO: But when it came to this controversial passage on page 213, that reads, in part, "It is imperative all Palestinian groups make it clear they would end the suicide bombings when international laws and the ultimate goals of the roadmap to peace are accepted by Israel."
Students told Carter the line suggests suicide bombings are tactic used in war and should only be stopped when peace comes. Carter did bend there. And for the first time since the controversy began, apologized.
CARTER: That sentence was worded in a completely improper and stupid way, for which I have apologized to many audiences.
COSTELLO: As for whether Carter brokered another peace accord with that mea culpa, Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who rebutted Carter's remarks, says no.
PROF. ALAN DERSHOWITZ, HARVARD UNIVERSITY: This was the Brandeis speech, and then there's the Al-Jazeera speech in which he mentions none of the above.

CARTER: You'd have a hard time finding others that think that. You know, when I write a book of this kind, with admittedly a provocative title -- and I use the word provocative not in a negative sense, but just to provoke debate and to provoke discussion.

In other words, Jimmy Carter himself doesn't actually believe in any existing of a so called "apartheid..." there, he just chose a PROVACOTIVE language to provoke debate.

Finally now to his own admission on Israel's great equality, multi racial, multi culture free for all society

Even [this anti Israel propagandist paid by Arab, Islamic lobby] Jimmy Carter had to admit to the facts:
"I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis."

So, What on earth does this propagandist still spin about?

'Palestine' = racism, fascism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing

Re: Arabist Carter hateful anti Israel book "Palestine peace not apartheid".

Why don't we all call apartheid when it's really apartheid, racism where it is real racism and ethnic cleansing at it's actual happening?

What would you call Arabs' forcing Israel to "clear" Gaza out of Jews = i.e. non-Arabs? If this is not ethnic cleansing, What is?

How will Hamas Islamic militant agenda be exempt from the usual "Islamic apartheid"?

Especially at their long war on Christians like pogroms in Bethlehem, massacring Christians in Damour, killing Christians at the Pope's comment (2006), chasing out YMCA, and other incidents as part of chasing out the Arab Christians from the holyland.

Why can Israeli Arabs be equal part of Israel's beautiful democracy but no Jews allowed into "Judenrein - Palestine"? Is that not far worse than mere: "apartheid"?

What would you call "Palestinian" Arab racist war on Jews, by their masses (no, not a fringe minority) shouting "Itbach-Al-Yahood" slogan to "kill the Jews", the slogan that Genocide bombers use, or Arab killers of Jews in any other form, to "drive all the Jews into the sea"? If that is not racism, What is? When their war since the 1920's is actually about Arab racism on non Arabs and Islamofascism on non Muslims, i.e. Israeli Jews.

Or "Palestinian" racism against blacks like cartoons against blacks as monkeys (cartoon on C. Rice, 2006)?

The "Palestinians", The Self made "victims"

Enough is enough, Giving the prolong deception of this "creation" call "Palestinian victimhood".

Isn't it time we all expose the falsehood of it all, worse, the criminal history and present by the "Palestinian" leadership and masses to inflict themselves with, deaths and suffering?

Start by their beginning of this twisted chain from it's refusal to comply with UN's offer for a 2 state in 1948, followed by their adhering to Arab leaders to evacuate via spreading lies of "massacres" and arrogant racist promises to drive all the Jews to the sea.

Then, came al those years that their leaders refused to let Israel improve their conditions, as all Arab leaders, for not losing the "Palestinian" card -- 'oh, those poor Palestinians' -- in their anti-Zionist racist drive.

Of course we all know that their masses are just as guilty, and if anyone thought otherwise, came the swift overwhelming election - support of militant Hamas in 2005 - just as Israel made another sacrifice in Gaza, giving it away.

All those Arafat years of [their mainstream] not standing up against his most evil form of child abuse, indoctrination of kids into the virus of extreme hatred, into the Satanic death cult, glorifying mass murder, suicide, homicide and genocide.

So is Arafat's continuing legacy of exploiting the young in the theater of war.
You almost want to scream when you see those little Arab children being put to hide adult shooters, "Where are your terrible parents"?
The other known term for the horrendous self killing, self made massacres is of course: The "Intifadah".

The population's investment of all energy into hatred and terrorism, instead of rebuilding economy.

The very legacy that is still on today, all in mind to continue to be the "victim".

Worshipping that sacred "image as a victim" to the cameras of the world, nothing is more important to them, next to massacring Jews.

Not one Arab nation wants them, Jordan is eager for a "settlement" because it does not want any more "Palestinians", Syria & Jordan just sloughteed them in the 1970, Lebanese are fed up with them, etc.

Instead of pointing fingers at humane Israel, that is the only country in the entire world that treats them with humanity, they better take a look in the mirror, for they have no better enemy than themselves.

Palestinian self-inflicted wounds

Self-inflicted Catastrophe, Self-inflicted 'Nakba'

Fed up with their self-inflicted misery - Reader comments on article: To End the [Palestinian] ... Peaceful Palestinians threatened by their own

The Palestinians became the sacrificial pawn of Arab politics, ... [Shi’a] and Hamas [Sunni]) have intensified the dynamic of self-inflicted suffering

Were the Palestinians Expelled?-, The Israeli "narrative" of this episode sees the Palestinian tragedy as primarily self-inflicted, a direct result of the vehement Palestinian/Arab rejection

Nakba: Journalistic Catastrophe. Palestinians commemorate a 1948 catastrophe. From reading the news, you'd never know it was self-inflicted.

How Jimmy Carter himself de-legitimizes his view, ideology and book on the middle east, Palestinian-Israel conflict.
How J. Carter de-legitimizes his view on the middle east
So finally some were lured into a fantasy to believe that the named ex US president seemed to be at least 'sincere' in his mind-set -- though on the wrong side of the coin -- in his writing of an anti Israel book "Palestine, peace, not apartheid". [leaving the fact aside, for the moment, that its completely untrue about Israel's multi racial society].

So what does this old (who now seems only a confused) man do?
He shoots himself in the foot.
Obama criticizes ex-President Carter's Hamas meeting |  Apr 16, 2008 ... PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama on Wednesday disagreed with former President Jimmy Carter's overtures ...
Well of course Obama is right, Why give any legitimacy to those that ruin any possible human aspirations by choosing to boost up rather the ugly inhumane militant Islamic genocidal terrorist entity? 
If Jimmy Carter had one iota of sincerity in his bones he'd seek to strengthen the less militant wing, Fatah - instead.
Why on earth was it necessary for Jimmy Carter to undermine the less radical: Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah???
Can anyone tell me?
How can anyone take him seriously after that?
He's only reaffirming his anti-Israel bigotry over any chance of believing he's "into it" for the (so called) 'Palestinian plight'.
There you go, just another anti Jewish racist and a pro Islamic apartheid that so cynically uses the Arabs as a football.
Well maybe its what the anti Carter average Americans means by saying he is the "worst ex US president".
Technorati -

Carter's crime of language on South African real victims of Apartheid

In a more perfect world, you'd expect S. Africans to march against Arab-funded Carter calling 'war on terror' "apartheid"

But since PC is leading the charge, Islamic terrorists have managed to do just that, to instill fear & terror especially into lefty "intellectuals", all is fine then, no Israeli, or Zionist or even Christian will bomb/behead that confused propagandist: Jimmy Carter, so everything is just fine, so what if he admitted he used the "apartheid" slur on victim Israel only to provoke? the deal with the devil is done, the money is in the pocket, the "honor" that was never his turf inside Carter's home country, the loser found always friends that are anti west (from those that would have him & all the west under Islamic Inquisition,) the most radicals among them, as a matter of fact.

Thus, not only does Jimmy Carter commit a terrible crime in dehumanizing victims of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish Islamic-Fascist ("apartheid" is too delicate, actually) terrorists, in a country that it's Arabs not only are not second class but even have far more rights than Israeli Jews, (especially regarding access to holy sites in Jerusalem, court cases involving land disputes & benefits vis-a-vis obligation to serve in the army), but on the historic victims of the real apartheid, those of S. Africa, that is.

TOPICS: Politics; Religion
KEYWORDS: 1979; 911; apartheid; carter; democrats; dhimmicarter; iran; islam; islamicapartheid; islamofascism; israel; jerusalem; jimmycarter; letshavejerusalem; mohammedanism; mullahs; palestinians; pallywood; waronterror

1 posted on 08/13/2008 12:00:51 PM PDT by PRePublic
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To: PRePublic

I think you left out the ship partially financed by Carter sitting in Cypress getting up the nerve to break the blockade of Gaza, in violation of US law.

2 posted on 08/13/2008 12:15:10 PM PDT by SJackson (Sell San Francisco to China to finance Obama health care, Bill O'Reilly)
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
If you'd like to be on this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.

High volume. Articles on Israel can also be found by clicking on the Topic or Keyword Israel, WOT


3 posted on 08/13/2008 12:16:58 PM PDT by SJackson (Sell San Francisco to China to finance Obama health care, Bill O'Reilly)
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To: SJackson

Any link please?

4 posted on 08/13/2008 12:16:58 PM PDT by PRePublic (Islamic Hamas kidnapped Arabized BBC's A. Johnston & then "freed" him)
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To: PRePublic

Carter’s the only president that makes me long for Woodrow Wilson.

5 posted on 08/13/2008 12:19:46 PM PDT by purpleraine
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To: PRePublic
Ship sponsored in part by Carter Center to challenge Israeli blockade of Gaza [Jimmah goes to war!]

Slow Boat to Gaza--Radicals gather in Cyprus "to break the siege."

U.S. Neutrality Act Violated by Gaza Boat Organizers Shurat HaDin Warns California AG

The Free Gaza Project

6 posted on 08/13/2008 12:41:38 PM PDT by SJackson (Sell San Francisco to China to finance Obama health care, Bill O'Reilly)
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To: SJackson

Bookmarked for later reading!

7 posted on 08/13/2008 12:47:24 PM PDT by Sister_T (No more excuses! Deport ALL illegal alien invaders ... Criminal or NOT!!!)
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To: SJackson

thanks so much, another important file - noted/saved.

8 posted on 08/14/2008 11:31:30 AM PDT by PRePublic (Islamic Hamas kidnapped Arabized BBC's A. Johnston & then "freed" him)
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To: AdmSmith; Berosus; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; george76; ...


9 posted on 08/17/2008 6:32:26 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ( hasn't been updated since Friday, May 30, 2008)
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To: All
In hindsight, Carter book seen as part of an awkward pattern
Neal Sher By Neal Sher
Seeing Jimmy Carter’s latest attack on Israel helps a former head of the Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting unit finally make sense of a troubling incident involving Carter from the 1980s.
It was the spring of 1987 and the Office of Special Investigations, the Justice Department’s Nazi prosecution unit, which I headed at the time, was in the midst of one of our most productive and historic periods.
On April 27, as a result of an in-depth OSI investigation and despite resistance at the State Department, Austrian President and former U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, who had served as an officer in the Nazi army, was barred from setting foot ever again on U.S. soil.
One week earlier, after eight years of bruising litigation, we deported to the Soviet Union one Karl Linnas, who had been chief of a Nazi concentration camp in Estonia. To do so, we had to outmaneuver concerted attempts to block the deportation by Patrick Buchanan, the Reagan White House’s communications director, and my boss, U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese...
10 posted on 08/22/2008 8:06:46 AM PDT by PRePublic
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