Kenya: Special Report: Sleepy Little Village Where Obama Traces His Own Roots
To the source of:
According to the family, Obama's father travelled to America to study at the University of Hawaii in 1959. While there, he worked for an oil company and married his second wife, a white woman, named Anna Toot, and their union produced Barack Obama Jr.
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Kenya: Special Report: Sleepy Little Village Where Obama Traces His Own Roots
To the source of:
According to the family, Obama's father travelled to America to study at the University of Hawaii in 1959. While there, he worked for an oil company and married his second wife, a white woman, named Anna Toot, and their union produced Barack Obama Jr
Interesting. Somehow %22 keeps getting added to the link address, doesn’t properly link.
Cut and past this:
Well I am laughing my arse off! Toot! Toot! Hey Beep! Beep!
Ok re: this
While there, he worked for an oil company ...
That is the first time I recall seeing that about BO, Sr. I thought he just went to Hawaii to go to school. Didn’t Lolo Soetoro work for an oil company?