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To: A CA Guy

Nah, i’m with you on that to some degree, it’s a pretty radical approach, but i believe it will work just fine for us. For me, the pull of paul is the rest of the platform.

Free market, low taxes(way low), private education, small government, right to privacy, etc.. that’s straight from the conservative playbook, and what appeals to me most.

If you’re a single issue voter, and your single issue is the WOT then i totally get why you can’t be for the guy.

If you’re not a single issue voter then you really can’t have an excuse.

What other candidate is going to work on monetary policy, lower taxes, and protect our personal liberties like paul?

Guiliani is a nonstarter, Romni is as fake as the last opinion poll. Hunter is solidish but cant beat rudi, Thompson IS what every dumbass democrat claimed that Reagan was.

Face it man, other than foreign policy, paul is the only reagan republican in the bunch. I think Reagan was masterful in his dismantling of the USSR and his brinkmanship, i just don’t think remaking the M.E. in our image is going to pan out for us.

I think that in the long haul, we’ll isolate ourselves from the rest of the world and go broke trying to fix everything out there thats jacked up, in much the same way that the USSR did.

So let’s be Reagan and not Kruschev

255 posted on 11/07/2007 6:32:17 PM PST by Dreddnafious
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To: Dreddnafious
I didn't read this entire thread, but has Ron Paul's extreme hypocrisy on earmarks been addressed?

Yeah, he likes the earmarks just fine.,2933,292334,00.html

Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul — who is campaigning as a critic of congressional overspending — has revealed that he is requesting $400 million worth of earmarks this year.

The Wall Street Journal reports Paul's office says those requests include $8 million for the marketing of wild American shrimp and $2.3 million to pay for research into shrimp fishing.

Having a little trouble buying the "fiscal savior" routine there.


256 posted on 11/07/2007 8:26:13 PM PST by Qwinn
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To: Dreddnafious

“If you’re a single issue voter, and your single issue is the WOT then i totally get why you can’t be for the guy.”

It’s not about being a single issue voter. It’s about priorities. Fiscally, Paul has good ideas THAT I GUARANTEE WILL NEVER PASS. The presidency isn’t a dictatorship.

On the other hand, we have the most important issue in this campaign that Paul is clearly on the wrong side of. And even worse...he believes we should pull out of every country where we have bases. That is irresponsible and why he will fail.

275 posted on 11/08/2007 6:42:02 AM PST by Vanbasten
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