Do you really know much about McLame and Rudy?
Just a wee helpful hint...................neither man would EVER take the V.P. spot for the other and McQueeg has about as much chance of winning the '08 GOP presidential primary, as Hillary Clinton has.
To answer your supercilious question: I've been national staff in three presidential campaigns and many smaller ones. Am very acquainted with both McCain and Rudy. Also worked for three TV networks. And that is the reason McCain and Giuliani might be the only possibility, since working for TV makes one believe that a conservative no longer has a chance, unless he is another Reagan running against a total lame-o like Carter. Reagan had had the previous media exposure to surmount the MSM bias toward Carter. This will not happen to Mitt Romney, a person who otherwise I think much better than the "dream ticket" members.
Also, reading skills: The third sentence in the first paragraph does address the VP problem.