What did the movie makers expect? Did they expect the Pope to bless the release of it?
He and his Cardinals have dedicated their entire lives to their deeply-held faith now being slandered by this fictional story.
Some people actually take their religious faith seriously and deeply. They are deeply offended when their sincerest beliefs are mocked.
Believers would be hypocrites if they shrugged off such a slander and blasphemy because they would, in effect, admit they aren't that committed to their faith or to the truth of the Bible.
Large numbers of Christians believe in the literal truth of the Bible. Why wouldn't these folks be offended? They believe, as I also do, Jesus is the One True Son of God, Savior of our eternal souls and the Savior of the world.
Why would we be "OK" with a deliberate fraud about the earthly life of Jesus? This is a fraud committed to profit the book's author, publisher, the actors and the filmmakers.
Blasphemy and slander of Jesus for fun and profit!
It is reminiscent of the Roman soldiers gleefully casting lots as to whom among them would "win" the robe of Jesus after they nailed Him to the Cross.
"See what happens when you do even a known FICTICIOUS picture on Christianity."
Regards, Mel
Press was in the seminary at 1 time, or at least he says.