Having very little experience with male restrooms myself (and trying to be the helpful mother...LOL), I said in my innocent mom voice, "Well, honey, don't you think it would be a little awkward to have someone next to you who was there because they "felt" like a man or a guy in a dress because they couldn't use the women's room...isn't it better if they have a restroom of their own?"
He said "MOM (you know the voice...I really DON'T want to talk about this stuff with my mother), we don't exactly stand around and look at each other."
I said, "Well don't you think you'd notice a 6' blonde in a red dress and heels standing next to you lifting his dress?"
He said, "Geez mom, where do you come up with this stuff. I gotta do my homework!" Went into his room and haven't seen him since. I love boys...they embarrass so easy!!
Of course with everything its been through today, my computer is going to have to be steam cleaned.
I just noticed your tag line! Dr Phibes is one of my favorites! I also like Theater of Blood a lot too, Shakespeare, Vincent Price, Diana Rigg, what more could you ask for in a film?