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Enjoy Inauguration & W's speech? Here's the reaction of the Looney Far Left.......
1/20/05 | Various despondent, demented Lefties

Posted on 01/20/2005 11:20:35 AM PST by dukeman

I like ceremony, especially ceremony of national stature. That's one reason why I got so much out of Ronald Reagan's memorial services this past June. And today's Inauguration and speech by the President did not disappoint. I'm a proud American who's glad we have someone in office who will combat global terrorism.

But what about the flip side of our nation? How did the far left, tinfoil hat loonies react to today's events? As a snapshot, here's a roughly chronological montage of threads from DU:

chimpsrsmarter (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:34 AM
Original message

I feel like throwing up and crying-the ceremony had begun.

i can't take it.

atommom (625 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:35 AM

Spare yourself. Turn it off!

chimpsrsmarter (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:37 AM
Response to Reply #2

5. i turned it off but it's still happening

it's sickening.

smbolisnch (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:35 AM
Response to Original message

1. SO DO I !!!!!

I keep turning it off but I can't help it, I turn it back. I can't believe it is happening.

lauralei (9 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:37 AM
Response to Original message

4. I had to take today off I'm so upset

and I'm so ashamed of my state. I still don't believe for a minute that Kerry lost Ohio. Dennis! won in a landslide and the exit polls showed it early...

what a shame...

what a joke...

sir_arms_50 (126 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:43 AM
Response to Original message

11. don't watch now then - they are Praying! Bastards

just wrong to bring religion into this!


AngryOldDem (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:45 AM
Response to Original message

12. I'm not watching it

And typically, I always thought presidential inagurations were fascinating, and a wonderful reminder of how lucky we are that we have such good electoral process in this nation, as compared to some other countries.

Obviously, I don't feel that way anymore.

I'm now bracing myself for a very uncertain four years -- by 2008, I could see my husband's job disappear, and a child sent off to whatever country pisses Bush off next.

Yeah...I'm just in a GREAT mood today.


coffeenap (124 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:33 AM
Original message

I am throwing up.

moggie12 (429 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:34 AM
Response to Original message

1. me too, shouldn't have eaten breakfast

kgfnally (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:34 AM
Response to Original message

3. so go watch CSPAN2 instead

of that other gagfest. You'll be happier.

E_Smith (69 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:41 AM
Response to Reply #3

9. i've got the two on split screen...

stark contrast. truth on the right, lies on the left, haha.

KansDem (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:43 AM
Response to Reply #9

10. Uhhh...shouldn't it be the other way around?

Just asking...

Meme (196 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:38 AM
Response to Original message

8. yeah.. same here

too much chocolate.. way way way too much. And shouldn´t chocolate make you happy? Still waiting for someone to throw an egg at his head..

rqstnnlitnmnt (35 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:47 AM
Response to Original message

12. let us give thanks

to the repugs who are blatantly ABUSING religion to their advantage.

jefferson is rolling in his grave right now.



coffeenap (126 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:49 AM
Original message

they are going to let mary cheney touch the bible!!!

rfranklin (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:51 AM

Response to Original message

1. This is an insult to all good Christians!

I can't believe they are having a sodomist hold the Holy Bible! This puts us in line for another 9/11! Maybe even a tsunami!

BeHereNow (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:51 AM
Response to Original message

2. How generous of them...

to let a LESBIAN touch the bible.
Oh the fundies are gonna have fit over that one.


Stephanie (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:57 AM
Original message

I am crying

I grieve for my country. I am glad my grandfather is not here to see this.

mohinoaklawnillinois (793 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 11:59 AM
Response to Original message

2. Steph, I understand completely where you are coming from.

I can't watch this charade.

I thank God that my father, a WWII vet, and my oldest brother, a Vietnam vet, are not alive to witness this today.

peaches2003 (164 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:02 PM
Response to Original message

5. Day that will live in Infamy

Mark this day as it will be remembered as the end of the U.S. as we have known it. By the time Bush/Cheney are finished it will be known this was a coronation, not an inauguration. It is the end of our freedom, not the beginning of the world's freedom.

fooj (831 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:05 PM
Response to Original message

7. Group hug!

coffeenap (126 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:07 PM
Response to Original message

8. When my mom was dying last year, and my dad this year,

I promised them, at their bedside, I would fight for the country they lived for. And I will.

uppityperson (555 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:20 PM
Response to Original message

16. I had to shut off the tv and go online, crying and yelling so much

havocmom (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:22 PM
Response to Original message

18. NOT MY LEADER. Not my ruler. Not my choice. Not my voice.

Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 12:24 PM by havocmom OK, so we spend a few more years raising our voices to drown out the chorus of lies. We WILL overcome.

In this for the long haul or not in it at all.

I remember a time of horses, dogs, fire hoses, ax handles, burning crosses and hanging bodies. I heard raised voices and watched loving, brave people locking arms and facing every weapons the evil spirit of mankind could hold against them. I saw those weapons and that evil spirit beaten down.

That fire is in our hearts still. Breath in air and fuel the fire in you. We shall overcome again. And again and again. So long as we refuse to accept injustice, lies, crimes against our neighbors, they haven't beaten us.

Stephanie, it's just a battle. It wasn't the whole war.

Strength, sister, strength and resolve. I know you have it. Lean on me today until your strength returns. I will likely need you to help hold me tomorrow. But we continue and WE NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT.


sjbech (602 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:00 PM
Original message

The monkey has taken his banana throne :(

I'm going to go off an weep for a bit. I hate even acknowledging the reality of this situation. Waiting for the cognitive dissonance to kick in. On the plus side, I am wearing all black to work today. Got lots of questions about that, which has allowed me to vent quite nicely.


Lone_Star_Dem (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:13 PM
Original message

Stress relief exercise...

Having a tough day? Try this method of stress relief...

* Picture yourself near a stream.

* Birds are softly chirping in the crisp, cool, mountain air.

* No one knows your secret place.

* You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called "the world".

* The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

* The water is clear.

* You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding under the water...

There now... feeling better?


Tyler Durden (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:13 PM
Original message

Our Country's Karma is in the toilet

We can say what we want about our politics and our liberalism, but unless you're writing from JAIL, then you're Blowing Smoke.

Ask any Buddhist, or Hindu, or REAL Christian for that matter: if you pay ONE PENNY of tax to a government that supports:

Aggressive War

Then Karma/Dharma holds YOU personally responsible for the actions of that government.

If you paid a couple of bucks to the Fed this week (and who didn't?), then YOU bought a bullet. If you paid your income taxes last year (and who didn't?), then you bought a rifle, 1000 rounds of ammo and a dozen grenades.

I can't go to jail, and I can't support this government with my taxes one minute longer than absolutely necessary and still sleep at night.

I continue frantically with my Canadian Immigration plans, and I don't feel one iota of "You are running away" guilt. I'm sacrificing my livelihood and my legacy to do this, and it still isn't atonement enough for my sins.

May the gods have mercy on the land; I wouldn't.


rodeodance (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:21 PM
Original message

"God of our Farther" being played by the military band following the


musette_sf (477 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:22 PM
Response to Original message

1. not a big deal

we used to have to sing that every morning in NYC public school in the early 60s. If they start playing "Onward Christian Soldiers", let me know.

Zenlitened (532 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:24 PM
Response to Original message

2. Maybe they meant "God of our Fuhrer" ?

nickinSTL (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:26 PM
Response to Original message

3. that's when I turned it off

I had enough of the religion in the speech.

The whole ceremony is like some evangelical Christian meeting.


rodeodance (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:28 PM
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A pastor is delivering the "Benediction" nothing secular about this



donsu (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:28 PM
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what's with the different US flags hanging on the capital?

saw this early this morning before things started.

the 2 flags in the middle have the usual star pattern but the flags on either side have stars in a circle? [Doofus! I thought we were supposed to be the stupid ones.]

theboss (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:30 PM
Response to Original message

1. I think they hang every flag we have had for the Inaugural

Obviously, the flags have evolved over the years as we have added more states.

Benhurst (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:31 PM
Response to Original message

2. I haven't seen any pictures; but if there are 13 stars in the circle,

then that's the original flag.

donsu (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:59 PM
Response to Original message

3. OK thanks for the info

Roland99 (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:01 PM
Response to Original message

4. Is this the first time the flags were flown as such?

Seems so damn cheesy.

tritsofme (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:14 PM
Response to Reply #4

6. No

I was watching some past inaugurals on CSPAN last week and every one that I saw had the different flags. [Too much spare time!]

AntiCoup2K4 (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:08 PM

Response to Original message

5. They're reserving space for Junior's new flag design in the works

It will have 50 mini-swastikas replacing the stars.


NickiWitch (219 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:33 PM
Original message

Oh holy many times are they going to pray???

They better pray they don't get caught alone in a dark alley with a bunch of *real* Americans.

This is making me ill.

Meme (205 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:34 PM
Response to Original message

1. well... how many times would you pray

if you were a brainless murderer supporter? My guess is they have a hell lot to pray for.

paineinthearse (307 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:36 PM
Response to Original message

5. They are praying to stop partisan politics

and get on with the agenda.

driver8 (438 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:19 PM
Response to Reply #6

15. ...and may God bless the heat seaking missiles...

the armor piercing uranium shells, the smart bombs, the M16s, the F18s, the holy hand grenades, the rocket launchers...

Hell -- they have a lot to pray for!

Prag (211 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:45 PM
Response to Reply #15

17. You forgot...

...Halliburton and Breakfast Cereals...

All is forgiven though my son.

The Night Owl (971 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:50 PM
Response to Original message

7. Wishing for physical harm to befall other Americans does not belong here.

Republicans need to be defeated with votes, not fists.

NickiWitch (219 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:53 PM
Response to Reply #7

9. I would never beat anyone....

but a good pair of handcuffs and a solid jail cell would be in order.

They deserve incarceration.

Benson (27 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:02 PM
Response to Original message

12. I think all the prayer is to tick off Newdow...

It probably classifies as torture for the poor guy... I don't think they would have prayed so much if Newdow didn't throw a fit.

L. Coyote (333 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 01:28 PM
Response to Original message

16. Once there is a broad recognition that religion is delusional thinking ...

We might get a leader who isn't delusional.

When will the Dark Age and the Crusade really end?


shawcomm (299 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:26 PM
Original message

Let the drinking begin...

Actually, I took the rest of the week off and began at 9:00 this morning. I've got a good buzz to soften the day's horrors. I intend to lsoe the rest of the day and wake up sometime this weekend....


CarolinaPeridot (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:40 PM
Original message

Seeing the Clintons all smiling happily at the Defamation ...

I feel a bit betrayed ... I don't get it . How can they just stand there ( all the other Dems in Washington ) stand there and be cordial like this ? Maybe I am just bitter ...


TwoSparkles (238 posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:38 PM
Original message

The president's speech...frightening. I'm terrified.

My kids were distracting me, but the speech sounded like the starting-gate announcement before the neocons are unleashed--to spread their "freedom" around the world.

I found this speech frightening. I literally wrapped myself in a blanket, and looked away while listening. I was reminded of Hitler and his nationalistic tough language. Bush wasn't just addressing us. He was pontificating to the world--and putting them on notice that the United States' ideals will be forced on them, in the name of "freedom."

This was a hard line speech that sends a message--we're coming to get anyone who doesn't have the proper amount of freedom in their country.

What I heard, was the president laying out unequivocal plans to invade, overpower and impose his will on any nation that he deems "lacking in freedom."

His speech was the unveiling of a marketing campaign to prop up additional invasions.

Even shots of the crowd were telling. Many looked hesitant. Many were looking around as if they were thinking, "Ummmm...what are we signing on for here?" Sure, you had your enthusiastic lemmings--but I saw lots of uneasiness.

Guys...can I just say that I'm truly frightened. I feel like I'm wandering around in a fog.

GreenPartyVoter (1000+ posts) Thu Jan-20-05 12:39 PM
Response to Original message

1. Yes, the next four years will be a horror. God help us all

KEYWORDS: lefties; w2
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To: Nataku X

I hope you're right about the President's speech today....but when you break it down & consider the ramifications of what he said, it looks like we may be quite busy regarding foreign policy over the next 4 years...& I'm not talking about just defending ourselves.

Marxism & other tyrranical governments are commonplace in Latin America & Africa (this was discussed during Condi's nomination hearing earlier this week). Does that mean that America should actively influence regime change there, even thru the use of force?

I'm listening to the President speak @ one of his Inaugural Balls even as I type this, & he reiterated to the audience that America has a DUTY to free the world from tyranny. HUH???????

61 posted on 01/20/2005 6:59:45 PM PST by libertyman (Dims = tax & SPEND; GOP = borrow & SPEND. Either way, WE'RE SCREWED!)
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To: dukeman
Hmmm. Is it possible to reach the beatific vision through schadenfreude?
62 posted on 01/20/2005 7:10:14 PM PST by CauseEverything (face worker, a serpentine miner, a roof falls, an underliner of leaf structure, the egg timer)
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To: dukeman

I like the guy who said he's glad his father and brother aren't alive to see this. I mean, that's so unintentionally funny it cracks me up. Just like a lib to be glad his loved ones are dead.

Man that's funny.

63 posted on 01/20/2005 8:04:56 PM PST by Lee'sGhost (Crom!)
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To: AutumnFire

"poor poor poor poor things...I suppose we should do something to help them through this difficult time."

They'll have to work this out on their own.

64 posted on 01/20/2005 8:09:01 PM PST by nmh (Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God).)
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To: Lee'sGhost

Yes, that struck me as twisted as well. After you read enough DU threads you begin to wonder how people can have such a fundamentally different view of the world from you. I wonder what color they see when they look at the sky.

65 posted on 01/21/2005 6:03:04 AM PST by dukeman
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